view of a street where a few pedestrian walk around a burnt car and some tires


30 May 2024 — In Haiti, we have received an update from our humanitarian colleagues.

So far this week, WFP has distributed more than 74,000 hot meals to more than 15,000 displaced people in the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area.

Last week, some 2,400 children received mental health and psychosocial support from child protection specialists. Humanitarian organizations also provided information sessions on gender-based violence, protection issues, and sexual abuse to more than 4,000 people living in displacement sites.

Since the beginning of March, UN agencies, national and local partners, as well as Haiti’s civil protection department distributed nearly 13 million litres of water across the displacement sites in the capital Port-au-Prince.

Outside of Port-au-Prince, in the Artibonite region, where people have also been impacted by violence, the World Food Programme provided cash assistance to over 13,000 people as part of its emergency activities, and another 6,000 people in this region received food.

And following a tornado that destroyed or damaged over 300 houses in the Bassin Bleu commune last week, WFP will provide food assistance to about 3,800 people there.


children affected by the closure of 900 schools in Port-au-Prince and Artibonite

12 million
litres of water were distributed to more than 71,000 IDPs by members of the WASH cluster in Port-au-Prince since 1 March

IDPs received more than 886,000 hot meals from WFP in Port-au-Prince since the beginning of March

20 %
funding coverage for the 2024 Humanitarian Response Plan

Source : Haiti Emergency No.24, 23 May 2024

In the News


It is impossible to overstate the increase in gang activity across Port-au-Prince and beyond, the deterioration of the human rights situation and the deepening of the humanitarian crisis.

María Isabel Salvador, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Haiti and Head of BINUH
Briefing to the Security Council, 22 April 2024

Portrait of María Isabel Salvador

Haiti: Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan

Humanitarian needs

The worsening security situation, the near-collapse of basic services, the impact of years of drought and natural disasters will leave 5.5 million Haitians highly vulnerable in 2024. Humanitarians will target 3.6 million people, 12% more than in 2023, with a funding requirement of 674 million dollars, to:

  • 1. Provide a multi-sectoral emergency response to 2.2 million people in areas affected by sudden shocks linked to insecurity, forced population movements, natural disasters and epidemics.
  • 2. Implement activities to strengthen the resilience of 3.6 million people, including actions that promote sustainable solutions and emergency preparedness.

As of 19 April 2024, only 8.1% of the total requirements, i.e. US$ 54,4 million have been financed.

Cover of the Executive Summary of 'Haiti: Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan'