AIDS & Disability-Partners Forum, 9 June 2011, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., UN Headquarters, Conference Room 6, NLB

Side-event to the High-level Meeting on AIDS, United Nations Headquarters, 8 to 10 June 2011

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) in collaboration with Health Canada, USAID, US State Department, Global Partnership for Disability and Development, ILO, DESA, UNICEF and WHO.

AIDS and Disability Partners Forum is a collaboration to enhance integration of an inclusive and accessible approach in AIDS programming for persons with disabilities. (See also Disability and HIV/AIDS)


  • Ms. Jan Beagle, UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director
  • Professor Nora Ellen Groce, Director Leonard Cheshire Disability & Inclusive Development Centre, University College London


  • Mr. Robert Clay, Director, Office of HIV/AIDS, USAID [TBC]
  • Mr. Stephen Lewis, Co-founder, Co-Director, AIDS-Free World  
  • Ms. Mary Muthoni Rop, Thika Disabled Fighting HIV and AIDS, Kenya
  • Dr. Etienne Krug, MD, MPH, Director, Violence and Injury, Prevention and Disability, World Health Organization
  • Mr. Richard Kabeto Matlhare, Director National AIDS Coordinating Agency, Botswana    
  • Ms. Deborah Von Zinkernagel, Principal Deputy Global AIDS Coordinator,Office of the US Global AIDS Coordinator

For More Information:

Dr Emelia Timpo ( 646-666-8006 or Sara Peillex ( 646-666-8026       

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