Trust Fund 2007

Forum11 - CopyOn 10 to 11 May 2007, the Bureau of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, acting as the Advisory Group for the Trust Fund for the Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People, met to consider the 78 projects proposals received by the Secretariat for funding in accordance with General Assembly resolution 59/174 of 22 December 2004.




The following organizations were awarded:


•    Cheng Development Youth Group, Kenya
•     Imani Youth group, Kenya
•    UNIPROBA (Unissions-nous pour la Promotion de Batwa), Burundi
•    Mutualité des Volontaires Africains pour le Développement en Centrafrique
(MVAD), République Centrafrique
•    Le Centre d’Accompagnement des Autochtones Pygmées et  Minoritaires Vulnérables
(CAMV), Dem. Rep. Of Congo
•    OCASDECO (Organisation Chrétienne pour l’Action Sociale et le Développement
Communautaire), Dem. Rep. of Congo


•    Indigenous Peoples Development Services (IPDS), Bangladesh
•    Ethnic Research Institute of Liangshan, P.R. China
•    Samagra Grameena Ashram, Kaup (SGA), India
•    Nagkakaisang Mga Tribu Ng Palawan (NATRIPAL, Inc.), Philippines
•    Asia pacific indigenous Youth Network (APIYN), Philippines
•    Organisasyon dagit Nukurapay nga Umili iti Siyudad (ORNUS-KADAMAY),

Central and South America and the Caribbean

•    Centros culturales Mapuche (C.C.M.), Chile
•    Corporación para el desarollo social Causai (CORPOCAUSAI), Colombia
•    Funcación 7 Monos, Colombia
•    Fundación Cooperación y Desarollo (COYDES) y Centro Shuar Putuim, Ecuador
•    ACCIES (Asociación Coordinadora de comunidades Indígenas de El Salvador, El
•    Casa Nativa Tampa Allqo, Peru

Central and Eastern Europe and the Caucasus

•    Center for Support of Indigenous Peoples of the North (an interregional NGO),
Russian Federation
•    Chin Human Rights Organization, Canada

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