ECOSOC and Integration
The Economic and Social Council has been tasked to promote the integration of the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development both within the United Nations system and beyond. To this end, the Integration Segment will serve as a platform to:
consolidate the inputs of Member States, the subsidiary bodies of the Council, the United Nations system and other relevant stakeholders;
promote the balanced integration of the three dimensions of sustainable development by engaging policy makers from various ministries;
bring together the key messages from the Council system on the main theme and develop action-oriented recommendations for follow up.
The segment will address the interplay of the three dimensions of sustainable development and cross-cutting issues such as gender, science and technology, trade and finance, particularly in relation to policy options and their implications.
The work of the segment will also facilitate the transmission and incorporation of policy guidance by governing bodies of the United Nations funds, programmes and specialized agencies.Theme and outcome of the Integration Segment
Every year, ECOSOC will convene the Integration Segment for three days in May on the main theme of the Council. The outcome will be a summary by the ECOSOC Vice-President highlighting the main policy recommendations arising from the discussions and providing guidance on integrating the three dimensions of sustainable development.
Relation to the High-Level Political Forum
The segment will complement the work of the HLPF by providing a platform for the ECOSOC system, policymakers and key stakeholders to identify policy choices that could allow for an integrated approach to the main theme of ECOSOC. The outcome of the Integration Segment will also serve as an input to the HLPF.