New York – February 10, 2015
Distinguished Speakers and Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We have come to the end of this High-Level debate on “Means of Implementation for a Transformative Post-2015 development agenda”.
In our discussions over the last day and a half, valuable proposals and recommendations were made on what actions, measures and policies we need to collectively take to mobilize the resources required for the implementation of the new development agenda.
Many speakers reflected on the need to accelerate efforts towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the remaining period and carry forward the “unfinished business” into the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Participants stressed the need to create coherence and synergy between the three major intergovernmental processes currently underway; the post-2015 development agenda negotiations, the discussions on financing for development and efforts to reach a new climate change agreement.
Speakers emphasized the need for a renewed global partnership to address the needs of the ambitious new development framework. Participants underscored that bold steps must be taken to mobilize adequate means of implementation, including financing, technology development and transfer, and capacity building.
Many stressed the need for a holistic approach to ensure adequate means of implementation were mobilized from all sources; public and private, domestic and international.
Domestic resource mobilization will be key, including efforts to strengthen domestic investment, broaden tax bases and create transparent and accountable institutions, while also limiting tax evasion and curbing corruption and illicit flows.
Many speakers called for the fulfilment of Official Development Aid (ODA) commitments and scaling them up, whenever possible. Several participants called for reform of international financial institutions and others stressed the need for ensuring sovereign sustainability.
The need for a fair, rules-based international trading regime was underscored, with calls for conclusion of the Doha Round of trade negotiations. Putting in place measures, policies and an enabling environment for attracting domestic and foreign investments was emphasized.
The private sector was highlighted as an important development partner, although stronger policies would need to be put into place both domestically and internationally to promote greater private sector contributions to sustainable development.
Distinguished Delegates,
In the panel on “Infrastructure Development in the post-2015 development agenda and Partnerships for realizing the SDGs”, speakers highlighted the critical importance of ensuring that the resources needed for infrastructure investment in energy, transport, water and sanitation, health and education sectors were scaled up.
Speakers noted that a huge financing gap for infrastructure remained, even though at the global level, sufficient liquidity exists. Proposals were made on how to channel these funds, in particular, from insurance funds, pension funds and sovereign wealth funds, into infrastructure.
In the second panel on “The Role of Parliaments, Cities and Local Authorities in the implementation of the post-2015 development agenda”, speakers discussed the important development role of parliaments, given their ability to enact laws and hold other parts of government accountable for prioritizing budgets and monitoring policy implementation.
Speakers noted the important role that cities and local authorities play in providing basic services and addressing issues such as crime, unemployment, and environmental degradation. The need for ensuring that cities and local authorities have adequate resources to fulfil their responsibilities was highlighted.
Distinguished Delegates,
A President’s Summary of the proposed actions, measures, policies and recommendations made by Member States and all stakeholders at this debate will be prepared and circulated by 18 February, which will serve as a useful contribution to the FfD preparatory process and the post-2015 development agenda negotiations.
Immediately following the conclusion of this High-Level debate, a side event hosted by UNCTAD will take place on, “Marking the Sustainable Development Goals Work: Harnessing Trade, Investment, Finance and Technology for Sustainable Development”.
Later this afternoon, a second side-event hosted by UN-Habitat on “The Future of Cities: An Integrated Approach to Urban Challenges” will also take place.
I thank you for your kind attention.