Statement on announcement of Colombian Peace Agreement

Statement by H.E. Mr. Mogens Lykketoft, President of the 70th session of the General Assembly, on the Announcement of Colombian Peace Agreement


Partial signing of Colombian peace agreement in La Habana, Cuba


Havana, 24 June 2016 — The President of the General Assembly warmly welcomes the agreement between the Government of Colombia and FARC that will put an end to the 52 years long conflict.

The President participated Thursday in a ceremony in Habana together with the President Castro, President Santos, Mr. Grande, Secretary-General Ban-Ki Moon and other Heads of State in order to celebrate the signing of an agreement and open a new chapter in Colombia’s history.

“I am optimistic that justice will be done for those who have suffered. And I am optimistic that peace and human rights will be guaranteed for all Colombians, now and into the future.”

President of the UN General Assembly salutes the incredible courage and resolve shown by the Government of Colombia and the leadership of the FARC in reaching this historic juncture.


And he congratulates the Governments of Cuba, Norway and all others who have been instrumental in making this agreement happen.

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