Seeking to drive forward implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and taking into account its strong interlinkages with the Paris Climate Agreement, President of the UN General Assembly H.E. Mogens Lykketoft will convene a High-Level Thematic Debate on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on 21 April 2016.

This event will serve to accelerate implementation of the SDGs and harness the political momentum behind the goals. It will bring together global political, business and civil society leaders in New York to focus on kick-starting SDG implementation. It will also be a unique opportunity to address the synergy between the COP21 outcome and the 2030 Agenda. Leaders will be offered a platform to announce action, discuss implementation and mobilize potential partners. Key focus areas will be: Action at all levels; Financing poverty eradication; Technology and data; Partnerships; and Climate action.


  • Heads of State and Government
  • President of the United Nations General Assembly Mogens Lykketoft
  • Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson and many other UN officials
  • UN Secretary-General’s SDG Advocates Forest Whitaker and Professor Jeffrey Sachs
  • Leaders from civil society and the private sector

For the list of speakers and detailed programme, visit: or

High-level debate to increase international awareness of and political momentum around the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals

21 April 2016

General Assembly Hall, Trusteeship Council Chamber and ECOSOC Chamber, UN Headquarters, New York and live through

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To request interviews with UN officials or the Secretary-General’s SDG Advocates please contact:

UN Department of Public Information
Sok-Min Seo, T: +1-212-963-1841 | E:

Office of the President of the UN General Assembly
Dan Thomas, T: +1-917-225-1913 | E:

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