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  • Participation eligibility
  • Registering representatives
  • Confirmation letters
  • Making statements and oral interventions
  • Organizing a side event
  • NGO CSW: Annual consultation
  • Organizing a Side Event

    DAW has developed an online system called SERCS (Side Events Request and Coordinating System) to improve the coordination and scheduling of Side Events held during the CSW Sessions. This new SERCS system is a ‘one stop shop’ for UN Missions and UN entities for coordination and scheduling of Side Events during the CSW Sessions.

    All requests for Side Events will now be made online by Side Event organizers. Some of the benefits of this new system are:


    UN entities and NGOs who wish to organize side events during the session, or who wish to sponsor exhibitions in the Conference Building Neck Area, are requested to fill out the side events reuest using the SERCS online form (please complete one for each event) on or before 15 January 2006. Due to limited space, requests will be considered on first come, first served basis. Please note that the sponsoring organizations for the events are responsible for all charges related to the event, including room, equipment, and any other services. Fees will have to be paid in advance to the United Nations (send to Mr. Gordon Tapper, S-2170C). Please use the standard rates for side events to calculate fees to be paid.

    The standard rates are applicable to the side events taking place on the UN premises. These side events must be co-sponsored by either a Permenant Mission to the United Nations, or an United Nations Agency. For side events taking place in the Church Center, there will be no charge. However, the non-governmental organizations sponsoring the events will have to provide the equipment if so needed.

    For further information, please contact Ms.Tsu-Wei Chang.

    The NGO Committee on the Status of Women - Annual consultation

    The NGO Committee will also conduct its annual consultation the day before the session begins, Sunday, 27 February, 8:30 A.M. – 6:00 P.M at Barnard College in Manhattan. Information about the events organized by the NGO Committee, including the registration form, is available here for download in PDF or click http://www.ngocongo.org/ngonew/index.htm.

    See also: