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United Nations
Division for the Advancement of Women

NGO Participation during the CSW 44th Session/PrepCom

In accordance with a decision of the Economic and Social Council of 15 December 1998, the Division for the Advancement of Women has identified eligible NGOs, i.e. those which were accredited to the Fourth World Conference on Women and have started applying for consultative status with ECOSOC. Invitation letters were sent on 21 October 1999 with a deadline of 15 January 2000 for the submission of names of representatives. So far, 900 individual participants representing 200 organizations have pre-registered to attend the PrepCom.

Invitation letters were also sent by the NGO Section/DESA to NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC. NGOs in consultative status which did not participate in the Beijing Conference are invited to pre-register with the NGO Section/DESA before 15 February 2000.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which NGOs may participate?
What is the process for pre-registration?
Can NGOs organize a workshop or other side events at the United Nations during the session?
Can NGOs make oral statements during the session?
Can NGOs observe "informals" during the session?
Will there be space for NGOs to display and/or exhibit their information materials?

Programmes of NGO Activities during the CSW44/PrepCom Session

On-Site NGO Registration

Frequently Asked Questions

Which NGOs may participate?

1. NGOs which are in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council

2. NGOs which were accredited to the Fourth World Conference on Women which are also in the process of applying for consultative status with the Economic and Social Council

What is the process for pre-registration?

1. If your organization is in the following two groups:

NGOs which were accredited to the Fourth World Conference on Women which are also in the process of applying for consultative status with the Economic and Social Council

NGOs which were accredited to the Fourth World Conference on Women which are in consultative status  with the Economic and Social Council

Your organization was requested to write to:

Koh Miyaoi
NGO Liaison Officer
Division for the Advancement of Women
Room DC2-1204
United Nations
New York, NY 10017
Fax: (212) 963-3463

            2. If your organization is in the following group:

                -NGOs in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council but did not participate in the Fourth World Conference on Women

Your organization was requested to write to:
Michele Fedoroff
NGO Section
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Room DC1-1480
United Nations
New York, NY 10017
Fax: (212) 963-9248

            Once an organization is pre-registered, confirmation letters were sent to individual representatives. These letters must be presented at the registration desk to complete your registration.