Beijing +5
Women 2000:
Gender Equality, Development and Peace for the 21st Century


(As distributed for the meeting. Changes may have been made in the text when delivered. Press releases provide the texts of the statements in a summarized form. Statements may be viewed through the archived webcast and are also documented as verbatim records (identified by the suffix "/PV)).

Please note that the documents are in HTML and PDF formats.

Wednesday, 7 June

Alphabetical list
Statements list

Morning Session

Uganda (english)
Belgium (french)
Republic of Moldova (english)
Cambodia (english)
Guinea (french)
Costa Rica (spanish)
Lao People's Democratic Republic (english)
Nigeria (english)
Zimbabwe (english)
Lebanon (arabic) (french)
Tajikistan (russian)
Singapore (english)
Mexico (spanish) (english)
Philippines (english)
Brazil (english)
Sri Lanka (english)
Afternoon Session

Bhutan (english)
Liberia (english)
Croatia (english)
Malawi (english)
Mozambique (english)
Federated States of Micronesia (english)
Congo (french)
Côte d'Ivoire (french)
Mali (french)
Estonia (english)
Islamic Republic of Iran (english)
Kenya (english)
Syrian Arab Republic (arabic) (english)
Rwanda (english)
Saint Lucia (english)
Swaziland (english)
Norway (english)
Burkina Faso (french)
Qatar (arabic) (english)
Malta (english)
Austria (english)