Voluntary survey of implementation of the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement

Last updated 25 May 2004

Questionnaire for UN bodies/IGOs Questionnaire for Regional Fisheries Management Organisations
Questionnaire for the European Community Questionnaire for NGOs
Questionnaire for States:
English Français Español

On 17 December 2002, acting in accordance with General Assembly resolution 57/143 paragraph 19, the Division for Oceans and Law of the Sea initiated a voluntary survey of implementation of the Agreement for the Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks (“the Agreement”). In accordance with the same resolution, the findings of the survey are to be included in the report of the Secretary General on the implementation of the Agreement.

The survey is composed of questionnaires, intended, respectively, for completion by States, regional fisheries management organizations, the European Community, United Nations Specialized Agencies and other bodies of the United Nations System and Non-Government Organizations.

The deadline for submission of the questionnaires was set at 28 February 2003. Delayed contributions are requested as soon as possible, in order to facilitate their consideration in the preparation of the report.  Contributions are requested with some urgency, so that the report can be finalized for presentation to the second meeting of States Parties to the Agreement, planned for July 2003.

For ease of preparation, the questionnaires may be downloaded from this site in Microsoft Word format ('click' on the relevant link above). Please contact us should you experience any problems downloading the documents.

Completed questionnaires should be sent by e-mail  to:


Andre Tahindro



with a copy to:


Andrew Jackson


Or may be addressed by mail to:




Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea

Office of Legal Affairs, Room DC2 450

United Nations New York NY 10017

Or sent by fax to:  1-212-963-2811


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