Bike Month: Will you take on the challenge?

May is Bike Month! Our goal is to pedal 17,000 miles, the distance from the UNHQ in New York to the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok and back.

'You can’t protect what you don’t know'

With awareness and knowledge of our world, children will be inspired to protect the animals and plants around them, says UN Publications.

Stories from the UN Archive: UN proclaims world’s first Earth Day

The General Assembly designated 22 April as International Mother Earth Day through a resolution adopted in 2009, but the roots of the Day go back to the 1970s.

United Nations Stamps feature endangered species

The United Nations Postal Administration has issued twelve new flora and fauna stamps in its endangered species stamp series.

MULTIPLICITY: Threats, Partnerships, Stories of Success

Upcoming Exhibit: “MULTIPLICITY: Threats, Partnerships, and Stories of Success"

UNITAR NYO-DOALOS: Intro to UN Fish Stocks Agreement

Join UNITAR NYO and DOALOS for the second annual Introduction to the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement and Sustainable Fisheries Processes at the United Nations!

Ending Preventable Maternal Deaths

Ending Preventable Maternal Deaths - the Promise of Midwifery Models of Care

New from "UN Chronicle": the Sudan, climate finance and more

The "UN Chronicle" team would like to share with you a selection of recently published articles.

cover of the strategic framework

Our Organization now has a strategic framework on multilingualism

The "United Nations Strategic Framework on Multilingualism" reaffirms our commitment to multilingualism by integrating language considerations into every aspect of the Secretariat’s work.

3 things to know about the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

The UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is one of three UN bodies addressing Indigenous Peoples' issues.

Driving civil society engagement on environmental issues

The Civil Society Unit of UNEP supports civil society engagement towards shaping environmental policies, ensuring their voices resonate loud and clear in UN meeting rooms.

UN Movie Society | Shakespeare at the UN

UN Movie Society event on – Shakespeare at the UN – In Celebration of English Language Day at the United Nations, to be broadcasted on UN WebTV and UN YouTube on Tuesday, 23 April 2024.

OCHA’s Flagship Initiative reimagines humanitarian action

“The initiative stems from the need to reshape humanitarian response as we know it,” Sofie Grundin, Humanitarian Affairs Officer, explains.

UNFPA: Sexual and reproductive health progress leaves many behind

UNFPA's flagship report highlights the role racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination continue to play in blocking broad gains in sexual and reproductive health for women and girls.

Workshop on Relationship Between UNGA and UNSC

Join us on May 13, 2024, at the UN Trusteeship Council from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM for an insightful workshop on the Relationship of the UN General Assembly and UN Security Council!