Document_GEM: World Economic and Social Survey

World Economic and Social Survey

In addressing the specific challenge of building resilience to climate change, the Survey focuses attention on the population groups and communities that are disproportionately affected by climate hazards. It argues that, in the absence of transformative policies which coherently address the economic, social and environmental dimensions of development, building climate resilience will remain elusive and poverty and inequalities will worsen.
The World Economic and Social Survey 2016 contributes to the debate on the implementation challenges of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In addressing the specific challenge of building resilience to climate change, the Survey focuses atten ...
The launching of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) at the dawn of the present century ushered in one of the most important initiatives undertaken by the United Nations. Concerted efforts at the international, national and subnational levels to achieve the MDGs have brought about significant development progress over the past 15 years. Nevertheless, important development gaps remain.
Peace and Stability as Enablers for and Outcome of Development Pingfan Hong Download Paper Transforming MDG Growth Patterns for SGDs Pingfan Hong Download Paper Download Presentation
The role of selected policy instruments in reducing income inequality Giovanni Andrea Cornia Download Paper Land Ownership Patterns and Income inequality in Southern Africa Sam Moyo Download Paper Sustainability and Inequality Frances Stewart Download ...
Reducing Inequality for Sustainable Development The 2014 World Economic and Social Survey notes that the inequality within countries has increased markedly in recent decades. The majority of the world's population lives in countries where inequality in ...
Sustainable Development Challenges The world is faced with challenges in all three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. For instance, more than 1 billion people are still living in extreme poverty, income inequalit ...
2013 Policy Brief No.40: Integrated Strategy for Sustainable Cities June 2013 Download Paper Policy Brief No.41: Increasing public spending in agricultural R&D to ensure food security in developing countries June 2013 Download Paper Policy Brief No ...
In Search of New Development Finance Difficulties in raising sufficient domestic and external resources to finance the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), along with the numerous drawbacks of tra ...
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