Document_GEM: World Economic and Social Survey

World Economic and Social Survey

Part I. State of the World Economy Part one of the World Economic and Social Survey 2000 chronicles a remarkable recovery in the world economy after the crisis years 1997-1999. Although the volume of international financial flows has not returned to it ...
1999 World Economic and Social Survey 1999—Trends and Policies in the World Economy Part one: State of the World Economy Part one of World Economic and Social Survey 1999 provides a chronicle of how large parts of the world economy were sent reeling in ...
1989 World Economic Survey 1989—Current Trends and Policies in the World Economy According to World Economic Survey 1989, global economic growth in 1988 confounded expectations. Not only was the expansion of world output larger than expected, but inter ...
1979–1980 World Economic Survey 1979–1980 World Economic Survey 1979-1980 observes that the present world economic situation is characterized by a slow pace of economic advance in most countries, which is expected to weaken further in the coming months ...
1969–1970 World Economic Survey 1969–1970 World Economic Survey 1969–1970 addresses the methodological problems that are involved in measuring progress in the developing countries. The Survey reviews the available data and suggests ways in which they m ...
1959 World Economic Survey 1959 World Economic Survey 1959 reviews the year, which witnessed new peaks in world production and incomes following the recovery from the 1957/1958 recession in the United States and the cessation of growth in 1958 in weste ...
1949–1950 World Economic Report 1949–1950 World Economic Report 1949-50 analyses major developments in domestic economic conditions and international economic relations during 1949 and the first half of 1950, with some preliminary comments on tendencie ...
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