Volume 15, No.3 - March 2011

Feature articles

Education: Quality, access and innovation


Education is a fundamental factor in achieving success and growth in different aspects of life. Education equips people with the knowledge to achieve all of the Millennium Development Goals by providing the skills to increase income, create employment opportunities, reduce hunger and poverty and enhance socio-economic development. Read more

International migration and development


More people live outside their country of birth today than at any time in history. In 2010, the number of international migrants was estimated at 214 million, up from 195 million in 2005. Females account for 49 per cent of the total. Six out of every 10 international migrants (128 million) reside in a developed country, and the majority of those (74 million) come from a developing country. Read more

UN launches year-long celebration of vital role of world’s forests


Recognizing the role that forests play in everything from mitigating climate change to providing wood, medicines and livelihoods for people worldwide, the United Nations kicked off on 2 February a year-long celebration to raise awareness of the value of this important resource.

In his speech at the launch ceremony, Sha Zukang, the Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, noted that political interest in forests has been rising, and stressed that that interest should be translated into action. Read more

Publications and websites

Technical reports

Men in Families and Family Policy in a Changing World

Men in Families and Family Policy in a Changing World

In keeping with the objectives of the International Year of the Family, and based on existing research, the current publication aims to promote the knowledge of trends affecting families and increase awareness of family issues among Governments as well as in the private sector. It is also hoped that the study will stimulate efforts to develop family-oriented policies focusing attention upon the rights and responsibilities of all family members. Read more

More on Publications and websites

Comings and goings

The following staff members were promoted in February:

Ingo Pitterle, Economic Affairs Officer, Development Policy and Analysis Division

Luis Prugue, Programme Assistant, Division for Public Administration and Development Management

Marta Roig, Social Affairs Officer, Division for Social Policy and Development


The following staff member retired in February:

Lourdes Ma. Regina Beplat, Meetings Services Assistant, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination

More on Comings and goings