Volume 17, No.04 - April 2013

Feature articles

Forests – sustaining livelihoods of people worldwide

On 8-19 April, the UN Forum on Forest 10 (UNFF) will gather the world community to focus on some of the pressing issues at stake to secure healthy forests worldwide. Jan McAlpine, Director of the UN Forum on Forest Secretariat, shared some of her hopes for this major event and beyond, in an exclusive DESA News interview. Read more

Focusing on new trends in migration

The past 10 years have seen a steady increase in the number of international migrants across the globe, now totaling 214 million people. Ahead of the upcoming Commission on Population and Development, which is set to focus on new trends in migration, John Wilmoth, Director of DESA’s Population Division, highlighted the issues at hand as well as other demographic trends affecting development beyond 2015. Read more

Responsive and accountable public governance

Responsive and accountable public governance

The Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA) will meet from 15 to 19 April for the twelfth annual session. The twenty-four CEPA experts on public administration will focus on the role of responsive and accountable public governance in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the post-2015 development agenda. Read more

Publications and websites

Technical reports


A renewed global partnership for development


The second report of the UN System Task Team on the Post-2015 Development is now available on the UN System Task Team Website. Titled “A renewed global partnership for development”, the report assesses MDG8 and provides an overview of lessons learnt, including the Monterrey Consensus. It reviews new challenges and trends in the international development landscape and suggests possible contours, alternative formats and a robust accountability mechanism for a renewed global partnership. 

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