Volume 19, No.04 - April 2015

Feature articles

Preparing the world for important population changes

In 2015, the world will adopt a new set of goals, guiding the efforts to achieve a more sustainable and fairer world where no-one is left behind. In designing and implementing the post-2015 agenda, it is important to understand and account for demographic changes that are likely to unfold in the future.  Read more

Investing ahead — for people and the planet


The international community has the means to improve the lives of people everywhere. But we need to make sure that the right financing gets to where it is needed. The Third International Financing for Development Conference in Addis Ababa aims to accomplish just that and it offers a chance to secure financing for sustainable development. Preparations are now entering a critical phase to ensure a successful outcome of the event benefitting both people and the planet. Read more

Building trust in government in pursuit of the sustainable development goals

South Sudan Referendum-Day 3.

Public administration and good governance are critical in achieving sustainable development. On 20-24 April, the Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA) will meet in New York for its 14th annual session to discuss the practical measures governments can take in pursuit of the sustainable development goals.  Read more