Mr. Wu Hongbo Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs

Remarks at the Closing of the Special ECOSOC Ministerial Meeting, Delivered by Mr. Navid Hanif, Director of ECOSOC Support and Coordination

Ambassador Koterec,
Distinguished delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

We came together this afternoon to address some of the major challenges the world is facing today.

These challenges – ranging from the financial and sovereign debt crises, to climate change, food and energy security – are complex and multidimensional. Each of these challenges affects the economic, the social and the environmental sphere, directly or indirectly.

To meet them in a sustainable way, the international system must become more effective in finding and implementing inclusive and transparent solutions.

Let’s be clear. These solutions are built upon all three pillars of sustainable development.

Moving forward, we all agree on the need to enhance coherence within the UN system and on the critical role of the Council in implementing sustainable development policies. It is further noted that this must be done by promoting coordination and collaboration among the different international actors.

With this in mind, we have today concentrated on the next steps.

We have discussed what we must do to make the multilateral system – which governs the global economic, social and environmental spheres – more effective.

I wish to thank the distinguished panellists who provided invaluable input on this topic. Their propositions for a stronger, more inclusive and effective multilateral system are valuable to our efforts to advance sustainable development, especially in follow up processes to Rio + 20.

I see a number of important messages emerging from the discussion.  Let me just mention a few.

First, we must work harder to promote the international coherence of development policies.  It is evident that there is a need for raising the quality and the quantity of interaction between the ECOSOC, its subsidiary bodies and other international actors in the field of development.

The whole ECOSOC system should be geared towards integration and stronger development results.

Second, on the need for more effective and efficient follow-up to major UN conferences and the commitments, the clustering of the work around the three pillars of sustainable development was recommended.

Third, the institutions engaged in promoting sustainable development should complement each other and avoid duplication.


Our discussions today demonstrate that the ECOSOC will fulfil the pivotal role in international development to which it has been assigned.

I am convinced that a stronger ECOSOC and an enhanced institutional system will bolster the achievement of the UN’s development agenda.

Looking forward to a future post-2015 development agenda, I am convinced that such an agenda, with sustainable development at its core, can only be realized within a strong, inclusive and effective international framework in which the ECOSOC will play a critical role.

Thank you very much for your participation.
