Mr. Wu Hongbo Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, Secretary-General for the International Conference on Small Island Developing States

Closing Remarks
The Second and Final Preparatory Committee Meeting

Distinguished Co-chairs,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, we have reached a critical milestone in our shared journey to Samoa.

We have an outcome document that all delegations have agreed ad referendum, ready for final adoption in Apia, Samoa.

This is a remarkable accomplishment, setting an inspiring example for ongoing and future intergovernmental processes.

I want to extend my warmest congratulations to all delegations for your tireless effort and commitment.

You have proved once again the old adage – where there is a will there is a way.

Like many intergovernmental processes, the negotiation has not been all plain sailing.  But you did not embark on this journey because it would be easy. 

You have undertaken this mission because you know the actions and commitments enshrined in this document will reinvigorate partnerships, guiding SIDS sustainable development in the coming decade – even if this mission takes time, patience, understanding, and ultimately political will.

Even at the most difficult moments, the leadership of SIDS is never in doubt; and the commitment of the international community to SIDs is never in doubt. 

It is this shared commitment to the sustainable development of SIDS that has inspired and propelled the negotiation forward. 


There is no doubt that the intensive preparatory work has advanced thus far also thanks to the guidance, hard work and collegiality of the entire Bureau.  I want to express my heartfelt thanks to the Co-Chairs and the Vice-Chairs.

I want to take this opportunity also to give special thanks to the Co-Facilitators.  You did an outstanding job in steering the negotiation to its successful conclusion. 

Allow me also to thank the Secretariat teams for their effective support to the PrepCom and its working group.

Distinguished Delegates,

As we move on to the next phase of the preparatory work of the Conference, let me reassure you that we will redouble our efforts to maintain the strong momentum for international support to SIDS and mobilize concrete partnerships for advancing the sustainable development of SIDS.

I look forward to continuing our journey together. The PrepCom has laid out a dynamic programme for the Conference, featuring innovative partnership dialogues and a rich variety of pre-Conference forums, side events, exhibitions and cultural activities.  The Host Government and the people of Samoa are ready to welcome you to the treasured islands in the heart of the Pacific Ocean.

See you all in Apia, Samoa.

Thank you.                              
