Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Committee)

Proposed Strategic Framework for the biennium 2014-2015

Part one: plan outline
A/67/6(Part one) Plan Outline
Part two: biennial programme plan
  A/67/6(Prog.1) Programme 1: General Assembly and Economic and Social Council Affairs and conference services
  A/67/6(Prog.2) Programme 2: Political affairs
  A/67/6(Prog.3) Programme 3: Disarmament
  A/67/6(Prog.4) Programme 4: Peacekeeping operations
  A/67/6(Prog.5) Programme 5: Peaceful uses of outer space
  A/67/6(Prog.6) Programme 6: Legal affairs
  A/67/6(Prog.7) Programme 7: Economic and social affairs
  A/67/6(Prog.8) Programme 8: Least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States
  A/67/6(Prog.9) Programme 9: United Nations support for the New Partnership for Africa's Development
  A/67/6(Prog.10) Programme 10: Trade and development
  A/67/6(Prog.11) Programme 11: Environment
  A/67/6(Prog.12) Programme 12: Human settlements
  A/67/6(Prog.13) Programme 13: International drug control, crime and terrorism prevention and criminal justice
  A/67/6(Prog.14) Programme 14: Gender equality and empowerment of women
  A/67/6(Prog.15) Programme 15: Economic and social development in Africa
  A/67/6(Prog.16) Programme 16: Economic and social development in Asia and the Pacific
  A/67/6(Prog.17) Programme 17: Economic development in Europe
  A/67/6(Prog.18) Programme 18: Economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean
  A/67/6(Prog.19) Programme 19: Economic and social development in Western Asia
  A/67/6(Prog.20) Programme 20: Human rights
  A/67/6(Prog.21) Programme 21: International protection, durable solutions and assistance to refugees
  A/67/6(Prog.22) Programme 22: Palestine refugees
  A/67/6(Prog.23) Programme 23: Humanitarian assistance
  A/67/6(Prog.24) Programme 24: Public information
  A/67/6(Prog.25) Programme 25: Management and support services
  A/67/6(Prog.26) Programme 26: Internal Oversight
  A/67/6(Prog.27) Programme 27: Jointly financed activities
  A/67/6(Prog.28) Programme 28: Safety and security
  E/AC.51/2012/CRP.1 Note by the Secretariat on the proposed strategic framework for the biennium 2014-2015: review of part two: biennial programme plan by sectoral, functional and regional bodies


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