Ten years ago, on 10 October 2013, the international community took a key step forward by signing the Minamata Convention on Mercury.

This multilateral environmental agreement, named after the bay in Japan where mercury-tainted industrial wastewater poisoned thousands of people in the mid-20th century, came into force in 2017.

Now, with nearly 150 Parties, the Minamata Convention plays a crucial role in helping countries control, reduce, and eliminate mercury across all its life stages.

Fernando Lugris, former Chair of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Mercury, recalled that during the convention’s negotiation phase, “We heard the voices of the Minamata victims, we got to see what the Minamata disease is in our eyes, and we committed to develop an instrument of a global importance that could really provide solutions.”

“Minamata changed the way we think about mercury pollution,” remembered Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, CEO and Chairperson of the Global Environment Facility, one of the two financial mechanisms of the Convention.

“Through the convention, we can protect vulnerable populations, such as indigenous peoples, women and children, and local communities, and ensure that they have a voice, that they have a say,” said Monika Stankiewicz, Executive Secretary of the Minamata Convention.

“As we move forward to make mercury history,” she added. ”I hope to see more countries joining the Convention in the near future.”

Since its adoption and ratification, the Minamata Convention has achieved milestones such as banning new mercury mines, extending the list of products and processes not to be manufactured, imported, or exported, and establishing controls on emissions and releases.

“Our journey is not over,” said Claudia Dumitru, President of the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention (COP-5).  ”There are crucial tasks ahead and we must remain dedicated to meeting established deadlines on various fronts.”

“We at UNEP are proud to host the Secretariat for this Minamata Convention, which protects the environment and human health from the pernicious impacts of this dangerous neurotoxin,” stated Inger Andersen, UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Executive Director. “

COP-5 will take place from 30 October to 3 November in Geneva.