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United Nations Document Repository
General Assembly Decisions 51st Session

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HTML 51/301 Appointment of the Members of the Credentials Committee
HTML 51/302 Election of the President of the General Assembly
HTML 51/303 Election of the Chairmen of the Main Committees
HTML 51/304 Election of the Vice-Presidents of the General Assembly
HTML 51/305 Election of 20 Members of Committee for Programme and Coordination
HTML 51/306 Election of 5 Non-Permanent Members of the Security Council
HTML 51/307 Election of 18 Members of the Economic and Social Council
HTML 51/308 Election of 5 Members of the International Court of Justice
HTML 51/309 Election of Members of the International Law Commission
HTML 51/310 Appointment of Members of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
HTML 51/311 Appointment of Members of the Committee on Contributions
HTML 51/312 Appointment of a Member of the Board of Auditors
HTML 51/313 Confirmation of Appointment of Members of Investments Committee
HTML 51/314 Appointment of Members of the UN Administrative Tribunal
HTML 51/315 Appointment of Members of the International Civil Service Commission
HTML 51/316 Election of Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme
HTML 51/317 Appointment of Members of Committee on Conferences
HTML 51/401 Organization of the Fifty-First Session
HTML 51/402 Adoption of the Agenda and Allocation of Agenda Items
HTML 51/403 Meetings of Subsidiary Organs During the Main Part of the 51st Session
HTML 51/404 Report of the Secretary-General on the Work of the Organization
HTML 51/405 Report of the International Court of Justice
HTML 51/407 Question of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
HTML 51/409 Report of International Tribunal for Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Violations Committed in Former Yugoslavia
HTML 51/410 Report of International Criminal Tribunal for Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide/Violations in Rwanda
HTML 51/416 Notification by SG under Article 12, para.2, of Charter of UN
HTML 51/431 Special Assistance to Front-line States and Other Neighbouring States
HTML 51/432 Declaration of Heads of State of OAU on Attack Against Libya in April 1986
HTML 51/433 Armed Israeli Aggression Against Iraqi Nuclear Installations
HTML 51/434 Consequences of Iraqi Occupation of and Aggression Against Kuwait
HTML 51/435 Implementation of the Resolutions of the United Nations
HTML 51/436 Question of the Comorian Island of Mayotte
HTML 51/450 Report of the Economic and Social Council
HTML 51/451 Emergency Assistance for Economic Recovery and Reconstruction of Burundi
HTML 51/452 Launching of Global Negotiations on International Economic Cooperation for Development
HTML 51/462 Agenda Items Remaining for Consideration by GA at its 51st Session

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