United Nations


Economic and Social Council

20 May  1997

Substantive session of 1997
Geneva, 30 June-25 July 1997
Item 1 of the provisional agenda*

     * E/1997/100.


       Proposed programme of work for the substantive session of 1997

                       (Geneva, 30 June-25 July 1997)

Programme                                           Documentation
Week of 30 June-4 July

Monday, 30 June 

10 a.m.

Opening of the session

Item 1      

Adoption of the agenda and other            Annotated provisional agenda
organizational matters                      (E/1997/100)
                                            Proposed programme of work

10.30 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Operational activities segment

Item 3      

Operational activities of the United
Nations for international
development cooperation:

(a)  Coordination of activities on a        Report of the Secretary-General
system-wide basis:  funding for             (A/52/155-E/1997/68)
operational activities for development:
implementation of General Assembly 
resolution 50/227 

     Informal dialogue with heads 
of agencies

Tuesday, 1 July     

10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

High-level meeting of the operational
activities segment

Item 3 (continued)

Operational activities of the United
Nations for international development

(a) Coordination of activities on a         Report of the Secretary-General
system-wide basis:  funding for             (A/52/__-E/1997/__)
operational activities for 
development:  implementation of 
General Assembly resolution 50/227 

Wednesday, 2 July

10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

High-level segment

Item 2      

Policy dialogue and discussion on           World Economic and Social Survey,
important developments in the world         1997 (E/1997/50)
economy and international economic 
cooperation with heads of multilateral 
financial and trade institutions of 
the United Nations system 

Thursday, 3 July and Friday, 4 July

10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

High-level segment

Item 2      

Fostering an enabling environment for       Report of the Secretary-General
development:  financial flows, including    (E/1997/__)
capital flows; investment; trade 
                                            Annual overview report of the 
                                            Administrative Committee on 
                                            Coordination for 1996 

                                            Report of the Commission for 
                                            Social Development on its 
                                            thirty-fifth session (E/1997/26)

Week of 7-11 July

Monday, 7 July    

10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Operational activities segment 

Item 3      

Operational activities of the United 
Nations for international development 

(b) Follow-up to policy recommendations     Report of the Secretary-General
of the General Assembly                     (E/1997/65)

                                            Addendum to the above on core 
                                            and non-core resources 

                                            Addendum to the above on 
                                            field- and regional-level 
                                            coordination (E/1997/65/Add.2)

                                            Addendum to the above on 

                                            Addendum to the above 
                                            containing comprehensive 
                                            statistical data on operational 
                                            activities for development for 
                                            1995 (E/1997/65/Add.4)

                                            Addendum to the above on policy 
                                            issues (E/1997/65/Add.5)

Tuesday, 8 July     

10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Operational activities segment (concluded)

Item 3      

Operational activities of the United 
Nations for international development 

(c) Reports of the Executive Boards         Report of the Executive Board
of the United Nations Development           of the United Nations Development
Programme/United Nations Population         Programme/United Nations
Fund, the United Nations Children's         Population Fund on its first
Fund and the World Food Programme           regular session of 1997
Dialogue with country teams       
                                            Report of the Executive Board 
                                            of the United Nations 
                                            Development Programme/United 
                                            Nations Population Fund on 
                                            its second regular session of 

                                            Report of the Executive Board 
                                            of the United Nations 
                                            Development Programme/United 
                                            Nations Population Fund on its 
                                            1997 annual session

                                            Annual report of the Executive 
                                            Board of the United Nations 
                                            Development Programme to the 
                                            Economic and Social Council 

                                            Annual report of the Executive 
                                            Board of the United Nations 
                                            Population fund to the Economic 
                                            and Social Council (E/1997/__)

                                            Report of the Executive Board 
                                            of the United Nations Children's 
                                            Fund on the first regular 
                                            session of 1997 
                                            (E/1997/32 (Part I))

                                            Report of the Executive Board 
                                            of the United Nations Children's 
                                            Fund on the second regular 
                                            session of 1997 (E/1997/32 
                                            (Part II))

                                            Report of the Executive Board 
                                            of the United Nations Children's 
                                            Fund on its 1997 annual session 
                                            (E/1997/32 (Part III))

                                            Annual report of the Executive 
                                            Director of the United Nations 
                                            Children's Fund to the Economic 
                                            and Social Council (E/1997/59)

                                            Report of the Executive Board of 
                                            the World Food Programme 

                                            Annual report of the Executive 
                                            Board of the World Food 
                                            Programme to the Economic and 
                                            Social Council (E/1997/__)

                                            Note by the Secretary-General 
                                            transmitting the report of the 
                                            Executive Board of the World 
                                            Food Programme on the revision 
                                            of the General Regulations of 
                                            the Programme (E/1997/49)

(d) Economic and technical cooperation      Report of the High-level
among developing countries                  Committee on the Review of 
                                            Technical Cooperation among 
                                            Developing Countries on its 
                                            tenth session (A/52/39)

Wednesday, 9 July

10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Coordination segment

Item 4      

Coordination of the policies and 
activities of the specialized agencies 
and other bodies of the United Nations 
system related to the following theme:

(a) Mainstreaming the gender                Report of the Secretary-General
perspective into all policies and           (E/1997/66)
programmes in the United Nations system     

    (Introduction and general discussion) 

Thursday, 10 July

10 a.m.     

Coordination segment (continued)

Item 4 (a)

    (General discussion concluded)

3 p.m.      

Item 4      

Coordination of the policies and 
activities of the specialized agencies 
and other bodies of the United Nations 
system related to the following theme:

(b) Freshwater, including clean and         Report of the Secretary-General
safe water supply and sanitation            (E/1997/__)

    (Introduction and general discussion) 

Friday, 11 July     

10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Coordination segment (concluded)

Item 4 (b)

    (General discussion concluded)

General segment     

Week of 14-18 July

Monday, 14 July     

10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Item 6      

Coordination, programme and other questions Note by the Secretary-General 
                                            transmitting the comments of 
                                            the Administrative Committee 
                                            on Coordination on the report 
                                            of the Joint Inspection Unit 
                                            entitled "Review of financial 
                                            resources allocated by the 
                                            United Nations to activities 
                                            by non-governmental 

                                            Note by the Secretary-General 
                                            transmitting the comments of 
                                            the Administrative Committee 
                                            on Coordination on the report 
                                            of the Joint Inspection Unit 
                                            entitled "Coordination of 
                                            policy and programming 
                                            frameworks for more effective 
                                            development cooperation" 

(a) Reports of coordination bodies          Annual overview report of the 
                                            Administrative Committee on 
                                            Coordination for 1996 

                                            Report of the Committee for 
                                            Programme and Coordination on 
                                            its thirty-seventh session 

(b) Multisectoral collaboration on          Report of the Secretary-General
                                            tobacco or health on progress 
                                            made in the implementation of 
                                            multisectoral collaboration on 
                                            tobacco or health (E/1997/62)

(c) International cooperation in the        Report of the Secretary-General
field of informatics                        (E/1997/__)

(d) Coordination of the activities of the   Report of the Secretary-General
organizations of the United Nations         (E/1997/__)
system in the field of energy    

(e) Joint and Co-Sponsored United Nations   Note by the Secretary-General
Programme on Human Immunodeficiency         transmitting the report of the
Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Disease     Executive Director of the Joint
Syndrome                                    and Co-Sponsored United Nations 
                                            Programme on Human 
                                            Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired 
                                            Immunodeficiency Disease Syndrome

(f) Proposed programme budget for the       Relevant sections of the proposed
biennium 1998-1999                          programme budget for the biennium
                                            1998-1999 (A/52/6)

                                            Report of the Committee for 
                                            Programme and Coordination on 
                                            its thirty-seventh session 

(g) Calendar of conferences in the          Draft calendar of conferences
economic, social and related fields         and meetings in the economic, 
                                            social and related fields for 
                                            1998 and 1999 (E/1997/L.__)

(h) United Nations University               Report of the Council of the 
                                            United Nations University for 
                                            1996 (E/1997/7)

(i) Proclamation of international years     Letter dated 30 January 1997 
                                            from the Permanent 
                                            Representative of the Kyrgyz 
                                            Republic to the United Nations 
                                            addressed to the 
                                            Secretary-General concerning 
                                            the proclamation of the year 
                                            2000 as the international year 
                                            of mountains (E/1997/3)

                                            Letter dated 5 February 1997 
                                            from the Permanent 
                                            Representative of Japan to the 
                                            United Nations addressed to the 
                                            Secretary-General concerning 
                                            the proclamation of the year 
                                            2001 as the international year 
                                            of volunteers (E/1997/11)

                                            Letter dated 6 February 1997 
                                            from the Charg‚ d'affaires a.i. 
                                            of the Permanent Mission of 
                                            Argentina to the United Nations 
                                            addressed to the Secretary-General
                                            concerning the proclamation of 
                                            the year 2000 as the 
                                            international year of 
                                            thanksgiving (E/1997/12)

Tuesday, 15 July

10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Item 10     

Regional cooperation                        Note by the Secretary-General 
                                            on reform of the United Nations 
                                            and its impact on the Economic 
                                            Commission for Latin America 
                                            and the Caribbean (E/1997/5)

                                            Report of the Secretary-General 
                                            on regional cooperation in the 
                                            economic, social and related 
                                            fields (E/1997/40 and Add.1)

                                            Note by the Secretary-General 
                                            on a Europe-Africa permanent 
                                            link through the Strait of 
                                            Gibraltar (E/1997/51)

                                            Summary of the survey of 
                                            economic and social conditions 
                                            in Africa, 1996 (E/1997/41)

                                            Summary of the economic survey of
                                            Europe, 1996 (E/1997/42)

                                            Summary of the economic survey 
                                            of Latin America and the 
                                            Caribbean, 1996 (E/1997/43)

                                            Summary of the survey of 
                                            economic and social conditions 
                                            in Asia and the Pacific, 1997 

                                            Summary of the survey of 
                                            economic and social developments 
                                            in the region of the Economic 
                                            and Social Commission for 
                                            Western Asia, 1996-1997 

Wednesday, 16 July

10 a.m.     

Item 5      

Integrated and coordinated implementation   Report of the Secretary-General
and follow-up of the major international    on the implementation of the
United Nations conferences and summits      agreed conclusions of the 1996 
                                            coordination segment of the 
                                            Council on the coordination 
                                            of the United Nations system 
                                            activities for poverty 
                                            eradication (E/1997/58)

                                            Report of the Administrative 
                                            Committee on Coordination 

                                            Note by the Secretary-General 
                                            transmitting the report of the 
                                            Director-General of the Food 
                                            and Agriculture Organization 
                                            of the United Nations on the 
                                            outcome of the World Food Summit

Wednesday, 16 July

3 p.m. and        

Thursday, 17 July

10 a.m.     

Item 8      

Special economic, humanitarian and          Report of the Secretary-General
disaster relief assistance                  on the coordination of 
                                            humanitarian emergency 
                                            assistance of the United Nations

                                            Report of the Secretary-General 
                                            on assistance for the 
                                            reconstruction and development 
                                            of Lebanon (A/52/__-E/1997/__)

Thursday, 17 July

3 p.m. and        

Friday, 18 July     

10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Item 7      

Reports, conclusions and recommendations    Document prepared by the
of subsidiary bodies                        Secretariat containing a 
                                            consolidation of conclusions 
                                            and recommendations of 
                                            subsidiary bodies (Assembly 
                                            resolution 50/227, annex I)

(a) Economic questions**                    Relevant sections of the 
                                            document prepared by the 
(** The documents listed are to be          Secretariat containing a 
considered under both sub-item (a)          consolidation of conclusions 
and sub-item (b)).                          and recommendations of 
                                            subsidiary bodies (E/1997/L.__)

(b) Environmental questions***              
(** The documents listed are to be          
considered under both sub-item (a)          
and sub-item (b)).                           

    Sustainable development                 Report of the Committee on 
                                            Sustainable Development on its 
                                            fifth session (E/1997/29)

                                            Report of the Commission on 
                                            Sustainable Development acting 
                                            as the preparatory body for 
                                            the special session of the 
                                            General Assembly on Agenda 21 

                                            Report of the Committee for 
                                            Development Planning on its 
                                            thirty-first session (E/1997/35)

                                            Report of the Secretary-General
                                            on consumer protection

                                            Note by the Secretary-General 
                                            transmitting the report of 
                                            the secretariat of the United
                                            Nations Conference on Trade 
                                            and Development entitled
                                            "Trade and environment:  
                                            concrete progress achieved 
                                            and some outstanding issues"
                                            (A/S-19/4-E/1997/13 and Add.1)

Science and technology for development      Report of the Commission on 
                                            Science and Technology for 
                                            Development on its third 
                                            session (E/1997/31)

Population and development                  Report of the Commission on 
                                            Population and Development on
                                            its thirtieth session (E/1997/25)

Human settlements                           Report of the Commission on 
                                            Human Settlements on its 
                                            sixteenth session (A/52/8)

                                            Report of the Secretary-General
                                            on the implementation of General
                                            Assembly resolution 51/177 on
                                            the outcome of the United
                                            Nations Centre for Human 
                                            Settlements (Habitat II) 

Environment                                 Report of the Governing Council
                                            of United Nations Environment
                                            Programme at its nineteenth
                                            session (A/52/25)

Transport of dangerous goods                Report of the Secretary-General
                                            on the work of the Committee 
                                            of Experts on the Transport 
                                            of Dangerous Goods (E/1997/16)

Cartography                                 Report of the Secretary-General
                                            on the Fourteenth United Nations
                                            Regional Cartographic Conference
                                            for Asia and the Pacific

                                            Report of the Secretary-General
                                            on the Sixth United Nations
                                            Regional Cartographic 
                                            Conference for the Americas

Statistics                                  Report of the Statistical 
                                            Commission on its twenty-ninth
                                            session (E/1997/24)

Public administration and development       Report of the Secretary-General
                                            on the Thirteenth Meeting of
                                            Experts on the United Nations
                                            Programme in Public
                                            Administration and Finance 

Week of 21-25 July

Monday, 21 July and Tuesday, 22 July

10 a.m. and 3 p.m. and

Wednesday, 23 July

10 a.m.     

Item 7      

Reports, conclusions and recommendations
of subsidiary bodies (continued)

(c) Social questions                        Relevant sections of the document
                                            prepared by the Secretariat
                                            containing a consolidation of
                                            conclusions and recommendations
                                            of subsidiary bodies

Advancement of women                        Report of the Commission on the 
                                            Status of Women on its 
                                            forty-first session (E/1997/27)

                                            Report of the Board of Trustees
                                            of the International Research
                                            and Training Institute for the
                                            Advancement of Women at its
                                            seventeenth session (E/1997/53)

                                            Report of the Secretary-General
                                            on ways and means to enhance
                                            the capacity of the Organization
                                            and the United Nations system
                                            to support the ongoing
                                            follow-up to the Fourth World
                                            Conference on Women (E/1997/64)

Social development                          Report of the Commission on 
                                            Social Development on its 
                                            thirty-fifth session (E/1997/26)

                                            1997 Report on the World Social
                                            Situation (E/1997/15)

                                            Report of the Secretary-General
                                            on the process of implementation
                                            of the objectives of education
                                            for all (A/52/__-E/1997/__)

Crime prevention and criminal justice       Report of the Commission on 
                                            Crime Prevention and Criminal 
                                            Justice on its sixth session

Narcotic drugs                              Report of the Commission on 
                                            Narcotic Drugs on its fortieth
                                            session (E/1997/28)

                                            Report of the Commission on
                                            Narcotic Drugs acting as the
                                            preparatory body for the
                                            special session of the General
                                            Assembly in 1998 (E/1997/48)

                                            Summary of the report of the 
                                            International Narcotics 
                                            Control Board for 1996 

United Nations High Commissioner            Report of the United Nations
for Refugees                                High Commissioner for Refugees

(d) Human rights questions                  Relevant sections of the
                                            document prepared by the 
                                            Secretariat containing a 
                                            consolidation of conclusions
                                            and recommendations of
                                            subsidiary bodies (E/1997/L.__)

    Implementation of the Programme of      Report of the Secretary-General
    Action for the Third Decade to Combat   (E/1997/__)
    Racism and Racial Discrimination   

    Human rights                            Report of the Committee on
                                            Economic, Social and Cultural
                                            Rights on its fourteenth
                                            and fifteenth sessions

                                            Report of the Commission on
                                            Human Rights on its
                                            fifty-third session (E/1997/23)

                                            Report of the United Nations
                                            High Commissioner for Human
                                            Rights (E/1997/__)

                                            Note by the Secretary-General
                                            transmitting the general
                                            comments of the Human Rights
                                            Committee (E/1997/__)

Wednesday, 23 July

3 p.m.      

Item 9      

Implementation of the Declaration on        Report of the Secretary-General
the Granting of Independence to             (A/52/__)
Colonial Countries and Peoples 
by the specialized agencies and the         Report of the President of the
international institutions associated       Council on consultations held
with the United Nations                     with the Chairman of the Special
                                            Committee on the Situation with
                                            regard to the Implementation of
                                            the Declaration on the Granting
                                            of Independence to Colonial 
                                            Countries and Peoples (E/1997/__)

                                            Report of the Secretary-General
                                            on assistance to the Palestinian
                                            people (A/52/__-E/1997/__)

Item 11     

Permanent sovereignty over national         Report of the Secretary-General
resources in the occupied Palestinian       (A/52/__-E/1997/__)
and other Arab territories   

Item 12     

Implementation of General Assembly          Report of the Secretary-General
resolution 50/227                           on the implementation of General
                                            Assembly resolution 50/227

                                            Report of the Secretary-General
                                            on the subsidiary bodies of the
                                            Economic and Social Council and
                                            the General Assembly in the 
                                            economic, social and related 
                                            fields (E/1996/97)

                                            Report of the Secretary-General
                                            containing a review of the
                                            mandates, composition, functions
                                            and working methods of the
                                            functional commissions and
                                            expert groups and bodies of the
                                            Economic and Social Council

                                            Report of the Secretary-General
                                            containing a comprehensive
                                            assessment of the present
                                            arrangements for the Council's
                                            sessions (E/1997/__)

Item 13     

Non-governmental organizations

(a) Report of the Committee on              Report of the Committee on 
Non-Governmental Organizations              Non-Governmental Organizations
                                            on its 1997 session (E/1997/__)

(b) Increase in the membership of the       Note by the Secretary-General
Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations (Council decision 1995/304 and
                                            resolution 1996/31) (E/1997/__)

Item 14     

New and innovative ideas for                Report of the Secretary-General
generating funds                            (Council resolution 1996/48)

Thursday, 24 July

(To be determined)

Friday, 25 July     

10 a.m.     

Action on all outstanding draft proposals

3 p.m.      

Conclusion of the work of the substantive
session of 1997


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