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CSD-18 Generation Solution, 8 May 2010

CSD-18 Consultation Meeting - Civil Society Campaign:
Generation Solution: in support of UN work on Sustainable Consumption and Production

8 May 2010 (11:00 am until 4:00 pm)
New York, USA, UNHQ - Room C (North Lawn Building - NLB)

Call Out

All civil society groups are invited to present (in 3 minutes) a successful project on SCP that they are leading and that they would like to see highlighted, scaled up or expended


Changing global consumer attitudes and behaviors towards sustainable ways of consuming and producing is key to creating a safer, more equitable and environmentally secure world. How to deliver sustainable consumption habits is a challenge to all of us, including civil society, businesses, and governments.

This Civil Society meeting on May 8 2010, will help further our understanding of how to influence consumer and producer behavior by bringing together representatives from civil society from all major groups working at the frontline of sustainable consumption with Marrakech Process actors involved in sustainable lifestyles and consumption projects, consumer change specialists and businesses who have partnered successfully with governmental and non-state-actors to promote sustainable consumption and production.

The conference will build on the learning from civil society’s “on-the-ground” work and the experience of the Marrakech Task Forces and their impact in terms of advancing sustainable lifestyles and consumption, as well as on the linkages with the JPoI and the momentum driven by UNFCCC COP15. The outcomes of the conference will drive further progress in the run up to marking the twentieth anniversary of the Rio Earth Summit in 2012.

Bringing Civil Society Together to Move Forward

The consultation would benefit from the participation of major groups to CSD as well as encourage many other global NGOs and civil society representatives that do not ordinarily attend the CSD to participate. Helio Mattar from Akatu has already been confirmed, for instance.

This conference would allow global civil society leaders, including actors involved in the Marrakech Process task forces to showcase the very latest ideas and initiatives on how to influence consumer and producer behaviors, including by using social media, provide an opportunity for peer to peer learning, as well as provide a platform for the creation of partnerships to affect the changes in consumption and in achieving the MDGs from the bottom up.


  • To help maintain momentum on SCP
  • Develop indicators to identify successful SCP projects
  • To show the level of commitment and involvement of civil society in changing consumption and production patterns by raising the visibility of their ongoing activities;
  • Support major groups and civil society’s effort to develop common inputs to the 10 years framework of Programmes and to Rio+20;
  • To show the UN as the world’s enabler, convener and committed to the sustainable consumption and production agenda;
  • To share experience and initiatives on consumer behaviors between major groups representatives, SCP experts and Marrakech Process actors in order to identify key priorities for awareness-raising, education, communications and information, capacity-building on sustainable consumption;
  • To foster partnerships, collaborations and innovation across different sectors, regions and markets
  • Help assess how the new phase of the Marrakech Process on SCP could support these efforts.

More details available in the information note


For inquiries, please contact:
Chantal Line Carpentier
Division for Sustainable Development
phone: 917.367.8388
