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<�title>UN Enable - Promoting the rights of Persons with Disabilities - Ad Hoc
Committee Second Meeting - Panel Discussions and Side-events<�/title>
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New York, 16 to 27 June 2003 <�/h3>
<�h1 align="center">Panel Discussions and Side-events<�/h1>
<�p><�b>Panel discussions on priority themes<�/b> <�/p>
<�ul type="disc">
<�li><�a href="#PanelI">Panel I: Typology of international conventions and options
for a convention on the rights of persons with disabilities<�/a> [ <�a href="ahc2panel1.htm">Summary<�/a> ]<�/li>
<�li><�a href="#PanelII">Panel II: The Principle of Non-Discrimination and Equality
from Disability Perspective: Critical issues concerning Special Measures
and Disability<�/a> [ <�a href="ahc2panel2.htm"> Summary<�/a> ]<�/li>
<�li><�a href="#PanelIII">Panel III: New and Emerging Approaches to definitions
of disability: conceptual frameworks, varying contexts of definition, and
implications for promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities<�/a> [ <�a href="ahc2panel3.htm">Summary<�/a> ]<�/li>
<�p>See <�a href="statements.htm#panel">Statements made at the Panel Discussions<�/a>. <�/p>
<�p><�b>Side-events<�/b> <�/p>
<�li><�a href="#PublicForum">Public Forum on Issues Concerning the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities<�/a><�/li>
<�li><�a href="#ILO">Towards a United Nations Convention for Persons with Disabilities<�/a><�/li>
<�li><�a href="#Women">Women with Disabilities: Opportunities and challenges
for women s rights activists in the development of a Convention on the
human rights of people with disabilities<�/a><�/li>
<�li><�a href="#Children">Children with Disabilities and the Development of a
Human Rights Convention for Persons with Disabilities<�/a> <�/li>
<�h2> <�/h2>
<�h2> <�/h2>
<�h2><�u>Panel discussions on priority themes<�/u><�/h2>
<�p>The first session of the Ad Hoc Committee invited the Bureau to organize
at the second session of the Ad Hoc Committee panel discussions on key
thematic issues (A/57/357, para 14). The Bureau requested at its second
intersessional meeting of 28 April 2003 that the Secretariat should provide
proposals for the themes and contents of three panel discussions. <�/p>
<�p>Three panel discussions, to be chaired by the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee
on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on Protection
and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities, will
be held on 16, 17 and 23 June 2003, as follows: <�a name="PanelI"><�/a><�/p>
<�h3>Panel I<�/h3>
<�p>Monday, 16 June, 3 to 6 p.m.<�br>
<�b>Typology of international conventions and options for a convention
on the rights of persons with disabilities<�/b> <�br>
The Panel will discuss the nature, structure, elements and monitoring mechanism
concerning the existing international human rights conventions, such as the
Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW),
Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), and the Convention on Elimination
of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) and which may provide models to
explore options as to the substantive and procedural aspects of a convention
on the rights of persons with disabilities. The Panel will also discuss options
for elements in elaborating a new convention, especially in relation to the
emerging concept by which the norms incorporate both human rights and social
development. <�br>
Participants:Mr. Andrew Byrnes (Australia), Ms. Theresia Degener (Germany),
Mr. Muna Ndulo (Zambia); Ms. Velina Todorova (Bulgaria) and Ms. Deepika Udagama
(Sri Lanka); <�a name="PanelII"><�/a><�/p>
<�h3>Panel II<�/h3>
<�p>Tuesday, 17 June, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m<�br>
<�b>The Principle of Non-Discrimination and Equality from Disability Perspective:
Critical issues concerning Special Measures and Disability<�/b> <�br>
The Panel will discuss from a "disability perspective" how
the rights of persons with disabilities are protected and promoted based
on the principle of non-discrimination and equality within the existing
human rights framework: the discussion would include an analysis of issues
of critical importance to equalization of opportunities for persons with
disabilities and identify areas where general human rights protection
has not been effective in ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities.
The Panel will discuss implications of this analysis for elaborating
a convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. <�br>
The Panel will also discuss effective measures against disability-based discrimination
An emphasis will be accorded to the anti-discrimination measures, reasonable
accommodation and other alternative responses. <�br>
Participants: H.E. Mr. Leandro Despouy (Argentina), Ms. Rangita De Silva De
Alwis (Sri Lanka), Ms. Charlotte McClain (South Africa) and Ms. Cynthia Waddell
(United States); <�a name="PanelIII"><�/a><�/p>
<�h3>Panel III<�/h3>
<�p>Monday, 23 June, 3 to 6 p.m.<�br>
<�b>New and Emerging Approaches to definitions of disability: conceptual
frameworks, varying contexts of definition, and implications for promotion
of the rights of persons with disabilities<�/b> <�br>
Definition of disability is a long-standing issue of law and policy, planning
and academic concern. The Panel will examine varying contexts, in which definition
of disability is used. The discussion would include the ways in which definition
of disability has been addressed in national and international laws, conventions
and substantive measurement tools. The Panel will explore critical issues and
concepts concerning disability which would have an impact on issues concerning
the rights of persons with disabilities in national and international policy
and legislative contexts. <�br>
Participants: Mr. Scott Brown (United States); Ms. Catherine Barral (France)
and Mr. Kofi Marfo (Ghana). <�a name="PublicForum"><�/a><�/p>
<�p name="side"><�a name="side"><�/a>
<�h2><�u>Side events<�/u><�/h2>
<�p>Tuesday, 17 June 2003, from 1.15 to 3 p.m. in Conference Room 4.<�br>
<�b>Public Forum on Issues Concerning the Rights of Persons with Disabilities<�/b> <�br>
There will be a public forum on issues concerning the rights of persons with
disabilities, organized by the Division for Social Policy and Development,
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, in conjunction with the second session
of the Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention
on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities,
on Tuesday, 17 June 2003, from 1.15 to 3 p.m. in Conference Room 4. The public
forum will be opened by Ms. Hessa Al-Thani, the new Special Rapporteur on Disability
of the Commission for Social Development. Members of permanent missions, Secretariat
staff, representatives of non-governmental organizations and the media are
invited to attend. <�/p>
<�p name="ILO"><�a name="ILO"><�/a>
<�p>Wednesday, 18 June 2003, from 1.15 to 2.30 p.m. in Conference Room 9.<�br>
<�b>Towards a United Nations Convention for Persons with Disabilities<�/b> <�br>
The presention will be sponsored by the International Labour Office (ILO) and
the speaker will be Ms. Barbara Murray, Equity Issues Manager, In-focus Programme,
Skills Development Department. <�/p>
<�p name="Women"><�a name="Women"><�/a>
<�p>Friday 20th June 2003, 1 to 3 pm. West Terrace Room, Delegates Dining
Room, 4th floor, UN Secretariat<�br>
<�b>Women with Disabilities: Opportunities and challenges for women s
rights activists in the development of a Convention on the human rights
of people with disabilities<�/b> <�br>
Welcoming remarks will be made by Roxanna Carrillo, Advisor to the Executive
Director/ Human Rights, UNIFEM. The briefing will be moderated by Sebenzile
Matsebula, Director of the Office on the Status of Disabled Persons, The Presidency
- South Africa. The speakers are Dr. Theresia Degener, Professor of Law - Germany,
co-author, OHCHR report "Disability and Human Rights" and Anuradha
Mohit, Special Rapporteur, National Human Rights Commission - India, Charlotte
Bunch, Executive Director, Center for Women's Global Leadership - US. Closing
Remarks will be made by Charlotte V. McClain, Commissioner Human Rights Commission
- South Africa.<�br>
Background document: <�a href="gendersense.htm" target="_blank">Towards a Gender
Sensitive Disability Rights Convention<�/a>. <�/p>
<�p><�a name="Children"><�/a>Tuesday 24th June 2003, 1 to 3 pm. UN Secretariat
Building Room A, (NGO Caucus Room), 1 Basement Level<�br>
<�b>Children with Disabilities and the Development of a Human Rights Convention
for Persons with Disabilities<�/b> <�br>
The Luncheon Briefing is hosted by the Government of Sierra Leone and the United
Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and is organized by the Landmine Survivors
Network. Welcoming remarks will be made by Ambassador Sylvester Rowe, Deputy
Permanent Representative of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Sierra
Leone to the United Nations and Alexandra Yuster, Senior Adviser, UNICEF. The
Briefing will be moderated by Ken Rutherford, Co-founder of Landmine Survivors
Network. The Speakers Panel includes Cynthia Price Cohen, Executive Director,
ChildRights International Research Institute, Elena Da Bó, National Federation
of Association in Defense of People with Intellectual Disabilities, and Mark
Obletz, High School Student, Half Hollows Hill High School New York. <�/p>
<�p><�a href="#top">Return to top<�/a> <�/p>
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