Promoting the Human Security Approach for the Protection, Empowerment, and Economic Inclusion of Youth-at-Risk during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic
Duration: October 2021– April 2024
Budget: US$435,542 (UNTFHS: $299,800; Pooled Funding: $135,742)
Implementing Agencies: UNFPA (lead), UNODC, UNIDO
Mexico is a country with a relatively high portion of young population. Particularly, youth-at-risk face several threats and vulnerabilities, which are interlinked as there is a broad range of economic, security and health challenges that prevent them to reach their full potential. The population is also characterized by an accelerated aging process that needs responses and strategic investments such as capacity development and the generation of opportunities for youth in order to prepare for future economic, health, and social protection challenges.
The key objectives of the programme are to: (i) strengthen the capacities of key stakeholders to understand youth issues and design, implement, and evaluate participatory and evidence-based policies and programmes through the human security and gender approaches in the state of Hidalgo; and (ii) establish effective intersectoral dialogue and coordination mechanism established between the public sector, private sector, civil society, academia, and youth to promote joint policy analysis and recommendations, as well as dissemination of initiatives targeting youth-at-risk in the state of Hidalgo with a human security and gender approaches.
Programme Summary
Programme Presentation (ES)
Infographics on the Socio-Political Situation in the State of Hidalgo (ES)
Youth Participation Guide Aimed at Decisionmakers
Human Security Guide for Youth Policies