The training will empower youth and strengthen livelihoods opportunities 

Promoting the Human Security Approach to Frame Thailand’s Peace Agenda​

Duration: October 2021– June 2023
Budget: US$299,664
Implementing Agencies: UNODC (lead), UNDP

Preventing violent extremism (PVE) requires a multifaceted approach that bolsters the policy environment and tackles contributing factors at the local level. In the context of Thailand, strengthening PVE efforts encompasses strategies to increase civic space at the national and local levels, expand opportunities for participatory decision-making, enhance the capacity of local government entities to deliver services and ensure public safety, and foster dialogue among diverse groups including faith-based organizations, youth, and women’s groups, among others. Together, these efforts reinforce an inclusive and sustainable approach to peace and development in Thailand.​

The overall goal of the programme is to support the National Counterterrorism Strategy by developing a multisectoral cross-government platform on PVE. In reaching out to local community stakeholders and civil society groups, the programme ensures that concrete and locally-driven solutions are developed to address the specific grievances and drivers behind violent extremism. Key objectives of the programme are to: (i) ensure that the preparation and implementation of the National Action Plan for PVE is informed by the human security approach; and (ii) integrate the human security approach to PVE in mechanisms in selected target areas to promote inclusive governance and reduce the risk of violent extremist activity.

Programme Summary
Handbook on Promoting Human Security Approach to Prevention of Violent Extremism in Thailand 
Infographic on the Human Security Workshop