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Photos from HS programmes
Photos from HS programmes
Inclusion of the Human Security Approach in Public Policies of the Security Sector in Colo...
Enhancing Human Security in Priority Municipalities in Senegal Border Regions amid Securit...
Integrating human security in development programming for building resilience to address m...
Data Expansion for Human Security: Establishing an Evidence Base for Programmes, Policies,...
Supporting the SDGs in Conflict-Affected Countries: Operationalizing the Triple Nexus Thro...
Promoting the Human Security Approach to Empower Vulnerable Populations Affected by Gender...
Using the Human Security Approach to Empower and Protect Individuals Against Human Traffic...
Cities for All: Inclusive, Smart, and Sustainable Urban Development in Cambodia...
Improving Mining Sector Governance and Resilient Livelihoods in Sierra Leone through the H...
Restoring Human Security for Youth in the Chiquitania Region to Promote a Sustainable COVI...
Strengthening Human Security and Resilience to Transnational Organized Crime in Coastal Co...
Promotion of Human Security of Ukrainian Refugees, Third-Country Nationals, and Host Commu...
Mainstreaming Human Security Approach in Policy-making to Support the Recovery of Syunik R...
Empowering Stakeholders to Respond to Challenges Related to Unmanaged Internal Migration i...
Human Security for All – A Global Campaign...
Mainstreaming the Human Security Business Partnership for the Private Sector, Governments ...
Applying the Human Security Approach to Advance an Integrated Response to Health and Migra...
Building Resilience of Youth, Women, and Vulnerable Groups through Social Protection Floor...
Facilitating Inclusive Dialogues and Decision-Making to Strengthen Social Cohesion Post-CO...
Making Cities and Human Settlements Safer after COVID-19: Strengthening Awareness of Safer...
Enhancing Community Resilience and Social Cohesion amongst Select Border Communities in No...
Assessing Vulnerabilities and Resilience in Border Communities in Timor-Leste Through the ...
Promoting a Human Security Approach to Disaster Displacement and Environmental Migration P...
Local Engagement and Empowerment through Human Security to Address the Impact of Protracte...
Integrated Support for the Management of Local Development, the Promotion of Peaceful Soci...
Promoting Awareness and Advocacy of the Human Security Approach in Overcoming the COVID-19...
Local Engagement and Empowerment through Human Security to Address the Impact of Protracte...
Promoting the Human Security Approach for the Protection, Empowerment, and Economic Inclus...
Promoting the Human Security Approach to Frame Thailand’s Peace Agenda...
Advancing Sustainable Development for Nine Local Communities in the Region of Labé by Enha...
A Joint Human Security Approach to Strengthening Prevention, Protection, and Empowerment i...
Empowering and Engaging the Youth to Mitigate the Multi-Dimensional Threats of the Health ...
Localizing SDGs – Improving the Livelihoods of Vulnerable Women and Youth around the Seneg...
Inclusive Local Development to Advance the SDGs in the Commune of Fass-Dakar...
Recovery and Resilience in the Far North region of Cameroon: Operationalizing the Humanita...
Strengthening Human Security in in the Remote Chiefdoms of Gbense, Soa, and Kamara in Kono...
Fostering Reforestation, Environmental Sustainability, and Tourism: Accelerating the SDGs ...
Sihanoukville for All: Promoting a Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive City...
Recovering From Conflict: Integrated Support for Most Vulnerable Communities in South Kord...
Regional Report on the Attainment of SDGs in Countries Affected by Crisis in the Arab Regi...
Tackling the Threat of Violent Extremism and Its Impact on Human Securities in East Java...
Advancing Sustainable Development Through Human Security, Climate Resilience and Women’s E...
Development and Promotion of the African Human Security Index...
Localizing the 2030 Agenda: People Connecting Development and Peace...
Promoting Human Security Through Sustainable Resettlement in Zambia...
Improving Durable Solutions and Peacebuilding Through Human Security Business Partnerships...
Enhancing Protection and Empowerment of Migrants and Communities Affected by Climate Chang...
Protecting and Empowering Child and Youth Refugees and Migrants in Morocco...
Protecting and Empowering Child and Youth Refugees and Migrants in Morocco...
Enhancing Human Security and Building Resilient Societies in Disadvantaged Communities of ...
Transitioning From Humanitarian Relief to Long-Term Development: Addressing the Herdsmen-F...
Employment for Youth in Egypt (EYE): Providing a Reason To Stay...
Development and Promotion of the Human Security Business Partnership Framework Towards the...
Strengthening Human Resilience in Northern Clarendon and West Kingston...
Achieving Local Solutions to Displacement Crises in Somalia: a Human Security Approach to ...
United Nations pilot project for social cohesion, conflict prevention, violence reduction ...
Making Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals by Enhancing Human Security in t...
Improving Human Security through Social Cohesion and Economic Empowerment of Vulnerable Re...
Promoting the human security integrated approach in the framework of the Sustainable Devel...
Enhancing Community Resilience and Human Security of Vulnerable Communities in Urban Setti...
Advocacy and awareness-raising on addressing the impact of El Niño and climate change thro...
Mainstreaming the Human Security Approach in Strengthening the Global Health Architecture...
Building resilience of communities affected by the Aral Sea disaster through Multi-Partner...
Support to Human Security in Northern Mali Through Building the Resilience of Youth and Wo...
Strengthening Human Security by Enhancing Resilience to Natural Disasters and Climate-rela...
Increasing Human Security to Disaster Risk in Haiti...
Mainstreaming Human Security in Country Health Plans in Central America and the Dominican ...
Strengthening human security in the central municipalities of the Paraguayan Chaco...
Human Security Initiative in the Most Neglected Communities With the Integration of Effort...
Production Partnership between United Nations Television and the Human Security Unit to pr...
Strengthening Human Security and Community Resilience by Fostering Peaceful Co-Existence i...
Establishing Social Cohesion between Displaced Persons and Their Host Communities in Sila ...
Support to Human Security in Northern Katanga Through Early Recovery and Capacity-Building...
Strengthening Local Capacities for Peace and Development through a Human Security Approach...
Applying the Human Security Concept to Stabilize Communities in Canton 10...
Food Insecurity a Threat to the Human Security of the Poqomam People Settled in the Dry Co...
Empowering Communities with Better Livelihoods and Social Protection...
Human Security Through Inclusive Socio-Economic Development in Upper Egypt...
Human security in Africa: Assessment and capacity-building to promote sustainable peace an...
Joint programme to improve the human security of Ngöbe and Buglé temporary migrants in Cos...
Joint Programme to Improve the Human Security of Ngöbe and Buglé Temporary Migrants in Cos...
Livelihood Restoration and Protection and Sustainable Empowerment of Vulnerable Peasant Co...
Supporting the Strengthening of Government Institutions and Civil Society Capacities to Im...
Building a Better Future for Citizens of Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje and Obiliq/Obilić: Part...
Improving Human Security for Vulnerable Communities in Southwest Serbia...
Improving Human Security in the Bateyes of the Dominican Republic by Securing Documentatio...
Reduction of Human Insecurity in Alto Wanke Bocay Nicaragua: An Integrated, Multi-Sectoral...
Strengthening Human Security in the Border Communities of Turkana, Kenya...
Strengthening the Human Security of Rural Communities Through Integral Support to Their Re...
Sustaining Livelihoods Affected by the Aral Sea Disaster...
Joint United Nations Programme for Peace Consolidation, Conflict Prevention and Human Secu...
Human Security Initiative for Tensions Reduction, Reconciliation and Rehabilitation in the...
Protecting and Empowering Victims of Trafficking in Indonesia (EMPOWER)...
Community Resilience and Coping with Climate Change and Natural Disasters in Vanuatu...
Human Security Project for the Prevention of Violence and Vulnerability Reduction for the ...
Strengthening Rural Livelihoods Severely Affected by Climate Change-Induced Drought in Les...
Integrated Programme for Empowering Conflict-Affected Communities to Rebuild their Lives i...
Livelihood Protection and Sustainable Empowerment of Vulnerable, Rural and Refugee Communi...
Promoting Social Equality in the Gobi Areas of South Mongolia by Fostering Human Security ...
Strengthening human security through poverty reduction and sustainable social development ...
Enhancement of Human Security for the Muslim Resident Population and Other Vulnerable Pers...
Improvement of Human Security Conditions for Vulnerable Groups in Soacha through the Devel...
Promoting and Developing the Concept of Human Security in Latin America...
Sustainable livelihoods for socially vulnerable refugees, internally displaced and local f...
Empowering the Vulnerable Minority Communities of Albania...
Community Mobilization for Poverty Reduction Social Inclusion and Service Delivery...
Inter-agency programme to nurture peace, security and decent work through local developmen...
Delivering Essential Reproductive Healthcare, Education, and Psycho-Social Counseling to V...
Enhancing Human Security in the Chernobyl-Affected Areas of Belarus...
Integrated highland livelihood development in Mae Hong Son...
The Northern Uganda Early Recovery Project (NUERP)...
Comprehensive Literacy and Life-Skills, and Livelihood-Skills Training Through Non-Formal ...
Enhancing Human Security Through Developing Local Capacity for Holistic Community-Based Co...
Realizing Minimum Living Standards for Disadvantaged Communities through Peacebuilding and...
Enhancing Human Security for Individuals and Communities in Chernobyl-Affected Areas Throu...
Inter-agency programme for improving the situation of children at risk in Senegal...
Sustainable integration and recovery in North Ossetia-Alania...
Protection and empowerment of victims of human trafficking and domestic violence in Moldov...
Area-Based Development Programme: Local Development for Community Stabilization in Mitrovi...
Integrated Community Empowerment and Peace-Building Support in Ituri...
Sustained improvement of human security in the city of Sao Paulo through humanization acti...
Human security for adolescents: Empowerment and protection against violence, early pregnan...
Reduction of maternal morbidity and mortality in Liberia...
Establishment of One-Stop Centres to Counteract Violence Against Women...
Eliminating Child Marriage in Burkina Faso: A Plan for Protection, Empowerment, and Commun...
Strengthening human security by fostering peaceful coexistence and improving citizen secur...
Support to Child-Friendly Environment Through Community Participation in the DRC...
Human Security Grants for Selected National Human Development Reports...
Restoring livelihoods in Grenada after hurricanes Ivan and Emily...
Support for sustainable livelihood recovery among conflict affected populations in the Nor...
Basic Education/Literacy, Income, and Employment Security for Vulnerable People Including ...
Protection, reintegration, and resettlement of IDPs...
Lokichokio, Kakuma and Dadaab host community project...
Community Reconciliation Through Poverty Reduction...
Human security concept in the Arab region...
Quick Impact Programme for Refugee Zones: Community Based Production Centres & Communi...
Community Development Through Employment Creation and Improved Migration Management...
Support to ex-poppy farmers and vulnerable families in border areas...
Social and economic rehabilitation of former opium poppy-growing communities: Alternative ...
Enhancing Human Security in the Former Nuclear Test Site of Semipalatinsk...
Local integration and resettlement through micro and small-scale enterprise development fo...
The only opportunity: Human security for the development of women and children in Peru...
Enhancing Food Security Through the Empowerment of Schools...
Improvement of the quality of social services and infrastructure and reproductive health f...
Inter-Agency Programme on the Sustainable Rehabilitation of War Victims in Burundi...
Support of safe motherhood in Nuba Mountains...
Joint programme for the support of human security in Honduras...
Crossing the Bridge of Peace: Victim Assistance and Mine Risk Education for Human Security...
Social and Economic Empowerment of Mine-Affected Communities: Removing the Threat of Landm...
Rebuilding communities in post-conflict Liberia: Empowerment for change...
Strengthening human security for women in mobile populations through health education and ...
Reducing socio-economic vulnerabilities of selected peri-urban and informal mining communi...
Natural disasters in Peru: From damage limitation to risk management and prevention...
Coordinated rural development of IDP and refugee impacted communities in the Somali Region...
Capacity-Building for Integrated Psychological, Pedagogical, and Medico-Social Rehabilitat...
Integrated Approach for the Protection of Vulnerable Populations Affected by the Colombian...
Establishing a Zone Free of the Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Problem in the Southern Rift Val...
Economic and Social Empowerment of Returned Victims of Trafficking in Thailand and the Phi...
Economic and Social Empowerment of Returned Victims of Trafficking in Thailand and the Phi...
African Millennium Village Initiatives...
Support for community empowerment through training and food-for-work to improve school inf...
Capacity building of African Union forces in Darfur...
Multi-skills training and community service facilities for sustainable livelihoods and pov...
Girls’ Development and Education...
Community Action for Reintegration and Recovery of Ex-Combatants...
Development of Social Safety Nets for Health in the Lao PDR Through Scaling-Up Voluntary C...
Improvement of health conditions of migrants in Ranong and Samutsakorn provinces in Thaila...
Promoting human security and reducing poverty among indigenous peoples in Papua...
Rebuilding urban communities in Afghanistan...
Strengthening human security through sustainable human development in north-west Tanzania...
Poverty alleviation and sustainable development...
Support for victims/witnesses of trafficking in human beings in the Philippines...
Support for Primary Education in Huambo and Kuanza Sul Provinces: School Feeding Programme...
Empowerment of Women and Adolescents with Social Risk in Central America...
Report on regional co-operation for human security in Central Asia...
Empowering Poor Rural Communities with Labour-Saving Technologies for Increased Labour Pro...
Development of drug abuse counselling, treatment and rehabilitation service in Cambodia...
Human security in rural Timor-Leste...
Regional dynamics of human security: UN dialogue with the Global South...
Isolated and disenfranchised communities in the occupied Palestinian territory...
Food for work enhancing social capital building...
Rebuilding communities in north-east Sri Lanka...
Strengthening HIV resilience in Thailand’s mobile populations’ source communities...
100 Schools Programme: Securing Lifelines and Livelihoods for Children of East Timor...
Enhancing capacity for the prevention and treatment of obstetric fistula in Nigeria, Pakis...
Reducing the vulnerability of school children to earthquakes in Indonesia, India, Fiji and...
Integrated community rehabilitation and income-generating activities for affected and most...
Capacity building for drug demand reduction in Badakshan, Nagarhar and Qandahar provinces...
Assistance in Reducing the Humanitarian Deficits of War-Affected Rural Communities Through...
Improving human security by mitigating arsenic poisoning...
Energy for poverty reduction in Africa: Energizing community-led rural development using m...
Every Child Has a Right to Grow Up in a Family Environment: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajiki...
Support for IDPs in Colombia...
Sustainable primary health care in Mongolia: The security of human health...
Reinforcement of food security and the fight against malnutrition...
Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Former Detainees in South Lebanon...
Survival and development of children in rural areas of Cambodia through village action pla...
Promotion of HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support for children and adolescents affected b...
Farmer Participatory Seed Multiplication in Rakhine State...
Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV in rural communities in Swaziland...
The Zambia initiative...
Promotion of HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support for children and adolescents affected b...
Partnership for urban poverty reduction...
Improvement of the health sector in Tajikistan through training of medical specialists...
Helping individuals address their fears, problems and risks in Chernobyl-affected communit...
Rehabilitation of boarding schools and provisions of refresher training courses for headma...
Reduction of post-harvest losses...
Mobilising communities to reduce reproductive health morbidity and mortality...
Humanitarian programming for internally displaced and unsettled populations in Somalia...
Healthy living and life skills education for HIV prevention in Viet Nam...
Revitalisation of agricultural productive capacities in post-conflict zones...
Girl’s education and community development for awareness raising and prevention of traffic...
Model communities to demonstrate an integrated approach to HIV/AIDS and poverty in KwaZulu...
Total risk management programme in India...
Improvement of community health services in the northern regions of Kyrgyzstan...
Reproductive health support in emergency situations in Indonesia...
Managing water and energy services for poverty eradication in rural Gambia...
Extension of the Special Programme for Food Security to Improve Food Security and Income G...
Weapons in exchange for development/Illicit small arms control programme...
Prevention of trafficking in children and women at the community level in Cambodia and Vie...
Prevention of trafficking in children and women at the community level in Cambodia and Vie...
Strengthening of the search and rescue capability of the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Resp...
Community-Based HIV/AIDS Care, Prevention, and Poverty Reduction...
Drug control and development in the Wa Region of the Shan State – 2...
Community-Based Reproductive Health and Family Planning Services at Health and Reproductiv...
Roll back malaria with emphasis on the promotion of insecticide-treated bed nets and house...
Adolescent Girls and HIV/AIDS: Strengthening Responses in South Asia...
Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN): Outreach radio programme in Afghanistan, ...
Supporting education, health and sanitation needs among local populations in Ky Son Distri...
Employment Generation and Economic Recovery Through the Rehabilitation and Maintenance of ...
Strengthening the national programme for the control and prevention of STI/HIV/AIDS in the...
Promoting reintegration of returning IDP/refugee women in community development in Afghani...
Rehabilitation of schools in provinces affected by the ethnic conflict in Solomon Islands...
Enhancing Human Security Through Gender Equality in the Context of HIV/AIDS...
Beyond Trafficking: A Joint Initiative in the Millennium Against Trafficking of Girls and ...
The human dignity initiative: Community-based safety nets as tools for human development i...
Reintegration of ex-combatants through capacity-building and self-employment...
Transforming reproductive health in Suriname...
Support for youth at risk: House for Youth...
Support to primary education in drought-prone and pastoralist areas...
Support for youth at risk: House for Youth...
Supporting Coping Mechanisms for Congolese Households Affected by the Crisis...
The development of schools and teaching to improve the ability of children and their commu...
Maternal health and integrated early childhood development...
Sustainable safe drinking water supply to rural schools and health institutions in Tajikis...
Community Learning Centres...
Emergency Provision of Agricultural Inputs in Kasese and Kabarole Districts of Rwenzori Re...
Assistance to the Small-Scale Subsistence Fisheries in Southern Sudan...
Assistance to the small-scale subsistence fisheries in Southern Sudan [now South Sudan]...
Reproductive health programme for internally displaced persons in Gulu District...
Increasing Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for Youth...
Tobelo-Galela area recovery initiative...
Rehabilitation and upgrading essential infrastructure in the North Rakhine State...
Non-formal basic education and vocational skills training for children and youth at risk...
Ainaro and Mantuto community activation programme...
Research on human security for policy making...
Drug Control and Development in the Wa Region of Shan State – 1...
Drought-Proofing Through Watershed Development for Vulnerability Reduction...
Community Information Centres...
Hospital rehabilitation programme in Kosovo...
Drought Emergency in Kenya...
Development of Safety Nets for Health in Viet Nam and Lao PDR...
Development of Safety Nets for Health in Viet Nam and Lao PDR...
Preventive action and early interventions against child abuse and exploitation in urban po...
Greater involvement of persons living with HIV/AIDS through sensitization, training and ne...
Strengthening integrated reproductive health and emergency obstetric services for women in...
Strengthening Reproductive Health Services and Information in the South Pacific Islands...
Regional emergency training programme for the Asia Pacific region...
Establishment of Relief Web Antenna Office in Kobe...
School rehabilitation in Kosovo...
Imagine coexistence: A programme to ensure the sustainable repatriation and reintegration ...
Promoting sustainable health care and prevention of infectious diseases in Mongolia...
Imagine coexistence: A programme to ensure the sustainable repatriation and reintegration ...
Imagine coexistence: A programme to ensure the sustainable repatriation and reintegration ...
Phonm Penh – Local partnership for urban poverty reduction...
UNMIK school buses for minority students...
Rehabilitation of brick factory...
Strengthening of the peace process in Tajikistan through reintegration and demobilization ...
Waste management programme in Drenica...
Broadcasting Media Resource Centre in Kosovo...
Integrated Community-Based Reproductive Health/Family Planning Project in the Province of ...
Housing and electrification programme in Kosovo (HEIK)...
Creation of programme for regional emergency training for the Asia and Pacific Region...
Reactivation of quality primary education in Kosovo...
Urgent maize and rice seed multiplication at rural community level in Timor-Leste...
The human dignity initiative...
United Nations University Symposium: In quest of human security...
Emergency School Rehabilitation in Decani...
Tokyo international conference on Semipalatinsk...
UNITAR training programme: The implementation of multilateral agreements related to biolog...
Promoting Awareness and Advocacy of the Human Security Approach as a Strategy to Overcome ...
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