High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement

Internal displacement: Maintaining the status quo is not an option

"Every year, people around the world face the devastating impacts of conflicts, violence, disasters and climate change. Tens of millions of them flee their homes but never cross an international border. These individuals, known as internally displaced persons or ‘IDPs’, make up the vast majority of displaced people around the globe today."


Consultations on the UN Secretary-General’s Action Agenda on Internal Displacement

As a follow-up to the report of the High-level Panel on Internal Displacement, the Secretary-General decided to develop an Action Agenda on Internal Displacement, which would lay out his own vision on the issue with the goal of mobilizing collective action and advancing durable solutions.

The Secretary-General’s draft Action Agenda PDFOpens a new windowfeatures concrete follow-up commitments by UN system entities as well as calls on other key stakeholders, including Member States and International Financial Institutions, to step up efforts to advance solutions to internal displacement. 

Consultations on the Action Agenda will now be organized during the first quarter of 2022 with Member States and other key stakeholders. Once those consultations are concluded, the Action Agenda will be finalized and rolled out by the Secretary-General.

Inquiries concerning the consultation process on the Action Agenda can be made to Ms. Greta Zeender at zeender@un.org and to Ms. Caelin Briggs at caelin.briggs@un.org.

Past News

The closing of a chapterOpens a new window
31 December 2021

The UN Secretary-General's High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement has completed its mandate in September 2021 and its Secretariat has closed as of 31 December 2021.

Opinion: Enhancing the essential role of academia is a key recommendation from the High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement
30 December 2021

While benefiting itself from academia, the Panel also recognized that engagement between policymakers and academia on internal displacement has been limited.

Opinion: It's time for a Global Fund for displacement
8 November 2021

Originally published on Devex
Every year, billions of dollars are spent on humanitarian aid to assist people caught up in war and disaster.



Process in Numbers

Throughout its process, the Panel has benefited from the input of stakeholders in the form of written submissions, consultations and discussions, targeted research and more.



Submissions from States, UN agencies, NGOs, academia and other stakeholders



IDPs and host community members consulted



Engagements with stakeholders including consultations and bilateral discussions



States engaged in which half are impacted by internal displacement

UN Web TV: Presentation to the UN Secretary-General

When: Wednesday, 29 September 2021

The event marks the formal submission of the report of the High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement to the UN Secretary-General by the Co-chairs of the Panel, concluding an 18-month process that the Panel undertook following its appointment by the SG last year. 

Transcript of Secretary-General's RemarksPDFOpens a new window




The High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement was established by the UN Secretary-General in 2019 to identify concrete recommendations on how to better prevent, respond and achieve solutions to the global internal displacement crisis. On 29 September 2021, the Panel has submitted its report, Shining a Light on Internal Displacement: A Vision for the FutureOpens a new window, to the UN Secretary-General.

Our Expert Advisory Group 
Our Secretariat 

Report of the Panel

Following the release of its report, the UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement has called on Governments, civil society, the international community and the private sector to step up collective action towards systematic changes to advance solutions for as many as 55 million people displaced within their own countries.


Download Panel Report (PDF):

Download Executive Summary (PDF):

Extract of Full List of RecommendationsPDFOpens a new window


Highlighted Event

Presentation of the Report of the High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement to the UN Secretary-General

29 September 2021, Virtual 

The eventOpens a new window marks the formal submission of the report of the High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement to the UN Secretary-General by Panel Co-chairs Federica Mogherini and Donald Kaberuka, concluding an 18-month process that the Panel undertook following its appointment by the SG last year.


Research Partnerships

The Secretariat has partnered with researchers from global universities and networks to gather research inputs on internal displacement from different lenses. 

Highlighted partnership:


Consultations with IDPs and Host Communities

The voices of IDPs and host communities have been critical to the Panel's work. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Panel has partnered with 32 UN Agencies and NGOs on the ground to carry out the consultations on its behalf. 


Submissions from Stakeholders

To ensure an inclusive consultation process, written contributions were gathered from a wide range of stakeholders, including Member States, UN agencies, NGOs, researchers, think tanks and more, to inform the Panel's work. 

Latest public submissions:


Views of Panel Members

Addressing internal displacement: "Not only a humanitarian issue "

"Nations have to own this matter because IDPs are after all citizens of the country who have the same rights and entitlements as other citizens." - Panel Co-chair Donald Kaberuka


Contact Us

The UN Secretary-General's High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement has completed its mandate in September 2021 and its Secretariat has closed as of 31 December 2021.

Inquiries concerning the Panel and/or its report and next steps can be made with Ms. Greta Zeender at zeender@un.org.