Jun 21, 2020

The celebration of the International Day of Yoga is a unique opportunity to recognise the holistic approach to health and well-being provided by the practice of yoga – especially in times like these.

Global health is a long-term objective that requires close international cooperation and exchange of best practices. Health no longer only implies the condition of not being sick; it is also about being actively well. Multiple studies have confirmed the interdependent mental and physical benefits of yoga. The meaning of Yoga is most commonly interpreted as a “union” – the union of the mind and the body. But it also signifies the interconnectedness of the human body and spirit  to all the elements of the world that surrounds us.

The practice of Yoga has persisted through time and across traditions for centuries, and countless people across the world have made it an integral part of their lives. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a new reality for many of us. It has disrupted lives, created loneliness caused by social distancing, as it has also led to increased anxiety caused by economic difficulties, fear of illness, and worry about loved ones. This is only natural.

This year’s celebration comes amidst this critical context. In commemorating the International Day of Yoga today, we recognise the important benefits of practicing yoga, and its potential in helping people deal with increased anxiety due to disruptions caused by the pandemic.