– As delivered –

Statement by H.E. Volkan Bozkir, President of the 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly

17 September 2020


Your Excellencies,

Mr. Secretary-General,

Ambassador Kimihiro,

Mr. Ma, Dr Goodall,

It is, perhaps, the best-known line in the UN Charter that this organization was established ‘to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war’. After the horrors of two world wars, our founders recognized global peace as a crucial goal for humanity to aspire to.

This aspiration has continued to guide our work. Thirty-nine years ago, the United Nations General Assembly established that this day would be devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace. Two decades later, the General Assembly voted unanimously to designate this day as a period of non-violence and ceasefire. Since then, the peace and security landscape has become significantly more complex.

In March, the Secretary-General made a call for a global ceasefire so we could concentrate our efforts on fighting the common enemy that has threatened us all this year, regardless of nationality, ethnicity or political belief. It has threatened our health, our security and our very way of life. The evidence is everywhere you go. Today we stand separated and masked. The pandemic has brought unexpected levels of misery and hardship to many. But it is the most vulnerable who suffer most, and are still suffering, both in conflict and at the hands of this disease.

As we work to ‘shape peace together’ I will use my term also to give a voice to those groups in the General Assembly and to recall the protections to which they are entitled.  And to “shape peace together”, we as an Organization, have the necessary and diverse tools at our disposal, from preventive diplomacy and mediation, to peacekeeping and peacebuilding. Despite the prevalence of conflicts and human suffering, we also see how the foundations of sustainable peace and development can be laid step by step in some cases.    

Today we stand separated and masked. The pandemic has brought unexpected levels of misery and hardship to many. But it is the most vulnerable who suffer most, and are still suffering, both in conflict, and at the hands of this disease.

As we work to ‘shape peace together’ I will use my term also to give a voice to those groups in the General Assembly and to recall the protections to which they are entitled. 

Volkan Bozkir

President of the UN General Assembly

I am pleased to see so many youth join us virtually today. You are the future!  Your views are crucial as we seek to strengthen this organization, which we task with resolving humanity’s greatest challenges.  You have grown up in an inter-connected world, your engagement with the world and each other, is critical to resolve global challenges, from the pandemic, to peace and climate change.

On this International Day of Peace let us remember the victims who have suffered unimaginable hardships and loss of life and dignity due to conflict. On this 75th anniversary year let us remember the fundamental reasons why our predecessors established this organization. And then let us use this knowledge and increased understanding to create change with real world impact. For the most vulnerable and for us all.

Let us shape peace together.