– As delivered –

Statement by H.E. Volkan Bozkir, President of the 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly

26 October 2020

His Excellency, Collen Vixen Kelapile, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Botswana to the United Nations,

His Excellency Vassily Alekseevich Nebenzia, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations,

His Excellency António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations,


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,

Today is a special day, a day to recognize the incredible value of the United Nations and, most importantly, its people.

Around the world, at any given time, tens of thousands of UN personnel are working for the betterment of humanity and the preservation of our beautiful world.

From refugee camps to peacekeeping operations, I have personally witnessed their enthusiasm and achievements under very difficult conditions. They are, quite literally, putting food in people’s hands; training healthcare workers to battle COVID-19; providing school supplies to children in need; measuring the rise in sea-level; and helping to maintain peace in conflict zones.

And for every person on the front line, there is a team standing behind them and enabling them, making sure that they can carry out their duties.

All these people are the unsung heroes of the UN system. We must honour and support them.

Today we thank each of them for their dedication, their vision, and their perseverance.

And we acknowledge, with solemnity, those who have lost their lives while pursuing this cause.

I say this to United Nations personnel globally: we commend you and we thank you. Your vigilance, collegiality, spirit of cooperation and your commitment to the principles of the United Nations have, and continue, to shape the lives of millions.

Volkan Bozkir

President of the UN General Assembly

Ladies and gentlemen,

The United Nations, its specialized agencies, funds, programmes and staff have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize twelve times. This is no coincidence. It is because the United Nations is making a difference on the ground, for the people in need.

As stated by the late Sérgio Vieira de Mello, veteran United Nations servant, defender of human rights and protector of refugees and I quote, “Never forget that the real challenges and the real rewards of serving the United Nations are out there in the field where people are suffering, where people need you.”

And once again, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues around the world, UN personnel have pulled together.

Agencies are in lockstep in support of countries, whether it be on healthcare, or the provision of food and vital supplies, or in aiding the longer-term recovery; and, following recent reforms, UN Country Teams are working more coherently in countries and communities the world over.

Colleagues, the world expected the United Nations to stand up to the challenge in its time of need, and our personnel around the globe have proved able and willing.

I say this to United Nations personnel globally: we commend you and we thank you. Your vigilance, collegiality, spirit of cooperation and your commitment to the principles of the United Nations have, and continue, to shape the lives of millions.

On that note, I look forward to the panel discussion and to hearing the testimonials from staff, particularly on their vision for the world we want, and the future of the United Nations at 75.

I thank you very much.