The President of the 76th session of the General Assembly, H.E. Mr. Abdulla Shahid, met today with H.E. Mr. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The President of the General Assembly congratulated Kazakhstan under the leadership of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, for its constitutional reforms and democratic transformation aimed at building a “New Kazakhstan”.


H.E. Mr. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev reaffirmed Kazakhstan’s commitment to ensure peace and security globally and in Central Asia, noting that Kazakhstan will host the 7th Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in September 2022. He also expressed Kazakhstan’s support to the Presidency of Hope and the cause of multilateralism.


The President of the General Assembly commended Kazakhstan for its commitment to promote peace and security and its initiatives aimed at countering terrorism and promoting disarmament.


The meeting took place in Akorda – Presidential Palace, in Nursultan.


11 August 2022