This section contains information on the following aspects:

  1. Code of Ethics 
  2. Information on Travel of the PGA during the 76th session Code of Ethics
  3. PGAs Financial Disclosure
  4. Funding of the Office of the 76th President of the General Assembly
  5. Information on Trust Fund of previous sessions of the General Assembly

In the understanding that a Code of Ethics for the President of the General Assembly is an important part of the revitalization of the work of the General Assembly, and that such a Code of ethics will strengthen the capacity of the President of the General Assembly to exercise his or her duties and responsibilities whilst enhancing his or her moral authority, integrity and credibility, Annex 2 of Resolution 70/305 on the Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly contains the Code of Ethics for the President of the General Assembly. The President has requested the members of his office to abide by the same principles and obligations and to bear its content in mind during the discharging of their mandate in the service of the General Assembly.

Code of Ethics for the President of the General Assembly

1. The President of the General Assembly (hereinafter referred to as “the President”) in performing his or her duties and responsibilities as an elected official, fully in line with the United Nations Charter and the General Assembly Rules of Procedure, shall at all times from the date of election observe the highest standards of ethical conduct.

2. The President shall perform his or her duties and responsibilities in an impartial and equitable manner and in full honesty and good faith.

3. The President shall avoid any action which might result in or create the appearance of:

a). The use of the office of the Presidency or resources attached thereto for private gain;

b). Giving unwarranted preferential treatment to any state, organization or person;

c). Impeding the work of the Organization, or taking a preferential, biased or prejudged approach;

d). Affecting adversely the confidence of Member States in the integrity of the work of the Organization.

4. The President shall engage with Member States in a consultative and cooperative manner, while at the same time refraining from receiving or accepting instructions from any individual, governmental or non-governmental organization or group whatsoever.

5. The President shall avoid any situation involving a conflict between his or her own personal or private interest and the interests of the Presidency or the United Nations.

6. The President shall ensure the greatest possible transparency in the utilization of property, premises, services, and resources made available for the discharge of the functions of the office, and ensure that they are used only for the official business of the Presidency, and not for other purposes.

7. The President shall ensure the greatest possible transparency in any external activities, or any commercial dealings, to protect against conflict of interest. Holding of any commercial office during his or her term in office is not compatible with the post of the President.

8. In the event that the President considers that a conflict of interest may arise, he or she shall recuse himself or herself from handling the matter and, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly, appoint an Acting President in relation to that matter or meeting.

9. In the fulfilment of his or her mandate the President is accountable to the General Assembly.

10. Any reference to the President in this Code shall also include members of his or her office while in the exercise of their functions as members of the Office of the President of the General Assembly

11. Nothing in this Code shall preclude the President or members of his or her office from being seconded from their government or from retaining the privileges, immunities and diplomatic status granted by a Member State.

 The President of the General Assembly discloses information about any official visits he/she undertakes overseas.

October 2021

i. 1-5 October 2021: Visit to Dubai, United Arab Emirates to attend “Expo Dubai 2020”. The visit was supported by the Government of the United Arab Emirates.

ii. 6-9 October 2021: Visit to Male, Maldives at the invitation of the President of Maldives. The visit was supported by the Government of the Maldives.

iii. 10-12 October 2021: Visit to Belgrade, Serbia to participate at the “High-level Commemorative Meeting to mark the 60th Anniversary of the First Conference of Non-Aligned Countries”. The visit was supported by the Government of Serbia.

iv. 31 October-2 November 2021: Visited Glasgow, United  Kingdom to participate at the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) on the invitation of the Government of United Kingdom and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The trip was supported by resources of the OPGA Trust Fund.

November 2021

v. 23-27 November 2021: Visit to Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, China at the invitation of the Government of the People’s Republic of China. The visit was supported by the Government of the People’s Republic of China.

January 2022

vi. 23-25 January 2022: Visit to Bahrain at the invitation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bahrain. The visit will be supported by the Government of the Bahrain.

February 2022

vii. 3-5 February 2022: Visit to Beijing, China to attend the Opening of the winter Games. The visit will be supported by the International Olympic Committee, and the Government of the People’s Republic of China.

viii. 6-7 February 2022: Visit to Singapore at the invitation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Singapore. The visit will be supported by the Government of the Republic of Singapore and resources of the OPGA Trust Fund.

ix. 27 February-1 March 2022: Geneva, Switzerland to participate at the opening of the High-Level Segment of the 49th Regular session of the Human Rights Council. (Cancelled, PGA participated virtually)

March 2022

x. 2-4 March 2022: Nairobi, Kenya to participate at the Special Session of UNEP to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the creation of UNEP. (Cancelled, PGA participated virtually)

xi. 26-27 March 2022: Doha, Qatar to participate at the 20th Annual Doha Forum

April 2022

xii. 13-14 April 2022: The Republic of Palau to participate in the 7th “Our Ocean Conference”

May 2022

xiii. 8-10 May 2022 : Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire: To participate in the 15th session of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).

xiv.  11-14 May 2022: Luanda, Republic of Angola: Visit at the invitation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Angola.

xv. 22-24 May 2022: Bangkok, Thailand to participate at the seventy-eighth session of the ESCAP.

xvi. 24-27 May 2022: Bali, Indonesia to participate at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction.

xvii. 27-29 May 2022: Bandar Seri Begawan at the invitation of the Government of Brunei Darussalam.

June 2022

xviii. 2-3 June 2022: Stockholm, Sweden to participate in Stockholm+50.

xix. 11-14 June 2022: Baku, Azerbaijan at the invitation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

xx. 14-16 June 2022: Geneva, Switzerland to participate in a commemorative meeting for the 50th session of the Human Rights Council.

xxi. 16-19 June 2022: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic at the invitation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

xxii. 23-24 June 2022: Kigali, Rwanda to participate in the 26th Commonwealth Heads of Government.

xxiii. 25 June-1 July 2022: Lisbon, Portugal to participate in the 2022 United Nations Oceans Conference.

July 2022

xxiv. 10-11 July 2022: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, at the invitation of the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

xxv. 14-17 July 2022: Guatemala City, Guatemala, at the invitation of the Government of Guatemala.

xxvi. 21-23 July 2022: Riga, Latvia at the invitation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Latvia.

xxvii. 23-26 July 2022: Tbilisi, Georgia at Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia.

xxviii. 26-27 July 2022: Yerevan, Armenia at Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia.

August 2022

xxix. 8-9 August 2022: Antigua and Barbuda at the invitation of the Chair of AOSIS to deliver the opening remarks at the Wadadli Action Platform.

xxx. 9-13 August 2022: Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan at the invitation of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

xxxi. 14-19 August 2022: Libreville, Gabon and Sao Tome and Principe  at the invitation of the Governments of the Gabonese Republic and São Tomé and Príncipe.

xxxii. 20-22 August 2022: Phnom Penh, Cambodia at the at the invitation of the Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

xxxiii. 22-24 August 2022: Kuwait City, Kuwait at the invitation of the Government of the State of Kuwait.

xxxiv. 25-27 August 2022: Dushanbe, Tajikistan at the invitation of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.


PGAs Financial Disclosure

Since his election in June 2021, President of the General Assembly H.E. Mr. Abdulla Shahid has committed to the highest standards of transparency and accountability during his Presidency. Member States worked in close contact with the Presidency of the General Assembly in order to strengthen the accountability, transparency and institutional memory of the Office.

Resolution 70/305 on the Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly and its annexes, adopted on 13 September 2016, have been welcomed as a milestone and breakthrough on this process.

On 14 September 2020, H.E. Mr. Abdulla Shahid took an oath of office in which he solemnly declared to truthfully perform the duties and exercise the functions entrusted to him as President of the General Assembly of the United Nations in all loyalty, discretion and conscience, and to discharge these functions and regulate his conduct with the interest of the United Nations only in view and in accordance with the United Nations Charter and the Code of Ethic for the Presidency of the General Assembly, without seeking or accepting any instruction in regard to the performance of his duties from any Government or other source external to the Organization.

The President of the General Assembly is committed to openness and transparency with respect to the financing of his office. President Shahid will finance his official activities and those of his Office solely through the United Nations regular budget and the Trust Fund of the Office of the President of the General Assembly (OPGA), thus increasing transparency. Though eligible, President Shahid has also pledged not to travel First Class during his tenure as President of UN General Assembly during the 76th session. President Shahid had participated in the Financial Disclosure Programme, which helps to maintain and enhance public trust in the United Nations.

On 24th September 2021, Deloitte LLP which was engaged by the United Nations Ethics Office to assist with the Financial Disclosure Programme Review has reviewed President Shahid’s financial declaration and determined that there has been no conflict of interest.

24th September 2021: President of the United Nations General Assembly’s Financial Disclosure Programme Declaration

29th August 2022: President of the United Nations General Assembly’s Financial Disclosure Programme Declaration

UN Regular Budget

Member States allocated 307,800 USD in the 2020 UN Regular Budget to the Office of the President of the General Assembly (OPGA) to cover hospitality, official travel and other expenditures relating to the President’s official responsibilities. The General Assembly reduced the 2021 Regular Budget allocation to the OPGA to 210,800 USD. Expenditures from the regular budget are managed on behalf of the OPGA by the Executive Office of the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management in accordance with the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations.

Donations in support of OPGA

Donors can directly support the work of the PGA through contributions channeled through the UN system, including to the dedicated OPGA Trust fund, which is regulated by UN Financial Regulation and Rules. PGA 76 will report publicly on contributions made to the trust fund upon receipt. It should also be noted that General Assembly Resolution 71/323: “Stresses the importance of the contributions of Member States to the trust fund in support of the Office of the President of the General Assembly, and in this regard notes with appreciation the contributions that have been made to the fund, and encourages Member States to continue to contribute to the fund and to allow for unspent contributions from previous sessions to be made available for succeeding term”.

Contributions to the OPGA Trust Fund for the 76th session

The Trust Fund to date has received the below mentioned contributions and pledges beginning August 2021. Unspent contributions from previous sessions of $726,631.96 USD have been made available to PGA 76.

Date Contributor Project Commitment in $
Aug 2021 Government of the Republic of Ireland General Administrative, logistical & management support (GALM) $150,000
Sep 2021 Government of the State of Qatar General Administrative, logistical & management support $200,000
Sep 2021 Government of the State of Qatar PGA HOPE Fellowship programme $100,000
Sep 2021 Government of the Republic of Italy PGA HOPE Fellowship programme & GALM $50,000
Sep 2021 Government of the State of Kuwait PGA HOPE Fellowship programme & GALM $150,000
Sep 2021 Government of the Republic of India General Administrative, logistical & management support $150,000
Oct 2021 Government of Hungary General Administrative, logistical & management support $20,000
Oct 2021 Government of the Kingdom of Morocco General Administrative, logistical & management support $50,000
Nov 2021 Government of the People’s Republic of China General Administrative, logistical & management support $300,000
Nov 2021 Government of the People’s Republic of China PGA HOPE Fellowship programme $100,000
Dec 2021 Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan General Administrative, logistical & management support $50,000
Dec 2021 Government of the Slovak Republic PGA HOPE Fellowship programme $33,900
Dec 2021 Government of the Portuguese Republic PGA HOPE Fellowship programme & GALM $16,900
Dec 2021 Government of the People’s Republic of China General Administrative, logistical & management support $21,319
Dec 2021 Government of the Republic of Turkey General Administrative, logistical & management support $39,697
Dec 2021 Government of the Republic of Turkey PGA HOPE Fellowship programme $22,000
Dec 2021 Government of the Republic of Serbia General Administrative, logistical & management support $7,631
Dec 2021 Government of Japan PGA HOPE Fellowship $26,244

Dec 2021

(Agreement Signed)

European Union PGA HOPE Fellowship $406,890
Jan 2022 Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia General Administrative, logistical & management support $120,000
Jan 2022 Government of the United Arab Emirates General Administrative, logistical & management support $300,000

Feb 2022

Government of Trinidad and Tobago

General Administrative, logistical & management support


Mar 2022

Government of the Republic of the Philippines

General Administrative, logistical & management support


May 2022

Government of Brunei Darussalam

PGA HOPE Fellowship

$50, 000

June 2022

Government of Portugal

In support of the travel cost of PGA and delegation’s participation in the UN Oceans Conference in Lisbon

June 2022 (Agreement signed)            

Government of Australia                                          

PGA HOPE Fellowship


Source of funds for payment for Staff in OPGA

Secondments from Member States


Name and Designation

Seconded by


Amb Nagaraj Naidu Kakanur, Chef de Cabinet



Mariyam Midhfa Naeem, Deputy Chef de Cabinet



Alexandre Stutzmann, Special Adviser 

European Union


Md Faruk Hossain, Team Leader



Fakasoa Tealei, Team Leader 



Madiusca B Batista, Team Leader

Dominican Republic


Sim Mellouh, Team Leader



Zeena Mohamed Didi, Team Leader 



Mohammed Shaker, Senior Adviser

Saudi Arabia


Ahmed Salman, Executive Assistant to the PGA



Angelito Nayan, Speechwriter

The Philippines


Mimrah Ghafoor, Speechwriter



Benny Teuea, Speechwriter



Rovshan Safarov, Adviser



El Hadj Lehbib Mohaedou, Adviser



Tiago N R Siscar, Adviser



Yaman Al-Ainy, Adviser



Shaoxuan Liu, Adviser



Maike Rocker, Adviser



Feryal Almuharraqi, Adviser



Judit Cziko, Adviser



Supriyanto Suwito, Adviser



Fahad Alajmi, Adviser



Laura Piazza, Adviser 



Igor Bondiuk, Adviser



DeAndra Cartwright, Adviser



Isabel Avomo Sima, Adviser

Equatorial Guinea


Futoon Alammadi, Adviser 



Ahid Ahmed, Executive Secretary to PGA


Secondments from UN Departments / Fund and other entities


Name and Designation 

Seconded by


Paulina Kubiak, Spokesperson 



Janil Greenaway, Senior Adviser



Marcia Porras, Senior Adviser


Note: DGC – Department of Global Communications; UNDP – United Nations Development Programme; IOM – International Organization for Migration 

UN-paid positions in OPGA


Name and Designation 

UN Pay Grade


Amb Darja Bavdaz Kuret, Special Adviser



Fernando A Marani, Deputy Chef de Cabinet



Saada Daher Hassan, Deputy Chef de Cabinet



Peter Faiz, Chief of Administration 



Halima Ibentoumerte, Personal Assistant to PGA


Trust Fund-paid positions in the OPGA


Name and Designation 

UN Pay Grade

Funding Source


Peter Stone, Team Leader


Rollover Trust Fund


Gail Greezakwah Farngalo, Team Leader

Level C Consultant

Rollover Trust Fund


Carl Mercer, Lead Speechwriter & Advocacy

Level C Consultant

Rollover Trust Fund


Inga Kanchavali, Deputy Team Leader

Level C Consultant 

Rollover Trust Fund


Alissa Collins, Media Consultant 

Level C Consultant

Rollover Trust Fund


Steven Philip, Consultant for Web design

Level B Consultant

Rollover Trust Fund


Yuan Cheng, Staff Assistant


Rollover Trust Fund

DGCAM-paid positions in the OPGA


Name and Designation

Pay Scale


Lena Lupon, Administrative Assistant


DGACM Regular Budget


Tara Khan, Staff Assistant


DGACM Regular Budget

Note: DGACM: Department for General Assembly and Conference Management

Information on Trust Fund of previous sessions of the General Assembly

Contributor Project Commitment in $
65th Session
1. Government of the Republic of Korea General Administrative, logistical & management support (GALM) $126,500
2. Government of the Republic of Italy General Administrative, logistical & management support $265,000
3. Government of the People’s Republic of Slovenia Thematic Debates during 65th session, including on LDCs $7,060
4. Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation Thematic Debates on 4th LDC Conference & other thematic debates $59,700
5. MacArthur Foundation Thematic Debate on International Migration and Development $37,178
67th Session
1. Government of the State of Qatar General Administrative, logistical & management support $100,000
2. Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg For initiatives in the area of the reform and revitalization of the UN $12,872
3. Government of the People’s Republic of China General Administrative, logistical & management support $300,000
4. Government of the Republic of Turkey General Administrative, logistical & management support $60,000
5. Government of Japan General Administrative, logistical & management support $6,471
68th Session
1. Government of the Republic of Italy To support Post-2015 Development Agenda $50,000
2. Government of Antigua and Barbuda Concert $47,164
69th Session
1. Government of the United Arab Emirates General Administrative, logistical & management support $50,000
2. Government of South Africa General Administrative, logistical & management support $50,000
70th Session
1. Government of the Republic of Turkey High-Level Thematic Debates $50,000
2. Government of the People’s Republic of China General Administrative, logistical & management support $300,000
3. Government of the Republic of Ireland Staffing $114,038
4. Government of the Kingdom of Denmark High-Level Thematic Debates $365,593
5. Government of the Federal Republic of Germany General Administrative, logistical & management support $56,150
6. Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan High-Level Thematic Debate on UN, Peace and Security $15,207
71st Session
1. Government of the Republic of India General Administrative, logistical & management support $250,000
2. Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan General Administrative, logistical & management support $25,000
3. Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste Support for SDGs, Oceans, Climate Change $200,000
4. Government of People’s Republic of China General Administrative, logistical & management support $300,000
5. Government of United Arab Emirates General Administrative, logistical & management support $100,000
6. Government of State of Qatar General Administrative, logistical & management support $250,000
7. Government of the State of Kuwait General Administrative, logistical & management support $150,000
8. Government of the Republic of Turkey General Administrative, logistical & management support $100,000
9. Government of the Slovak Republic General Administrative, logistical & management support $10,423
72nd Session
1. Government of the Republic of India General Administrative, logistical & management support $250,000
2. Government of Hungary General Administrative, logistical & management support $56,970
3. Government of the Republic of Turkey General Administrative, logistical & management support $60,000
4. Government of the Slovak Republic General Administrative, logistical & management support $178,500
5. Government of the United Arab Emirates General Administrative, logistical & management support $300,000
6. Government of the State of Qatar General Administrative, logistical & management support $500,000
7. Government of the State of Kuwait General Administrative, logistical & management support $150,000
8. Government of Georgia To support funding of the position of Consultant for Legal Affairs $30,000
9. Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg To support initiatives on prevention and mediation in sustaining peace, including the high-level meeting of the General Assembly on sustaining peace foreseen in April 2018 $11,783
10. Government of the Republic of Ireland General Administrative, logistical & management support $152,917
11. Government of the People’s Republic of China General Administrative, logistical & management support $300,000
12. Government of the Republic of Cyprus General Administrative, logistical & management support $8,330
13. Government of the Federal Republic of Germany To support initiatives on prevention and mediation in sustaining peace, including the high-level meeting of the General Assembly on sustaining peace foreseen in April 2018 $300,000
14. Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain General Administrative, logistical & management support $100,000
15. Government of Japan To support initiatives on prevention, mediation, sustaining peace, Sustainable Development Goals, and to provide general administrative, logistical and management support $50,454
73rd Session
1 Government of the Republic of India General administrative, logistical and management support $250,000
2 Government of Hungary General administrative, logistical and management support $50,000
3 Government of the Kingdom of Morocco General administrative, logistical and management support $10,000
4 Government of Georgia General administrative, logistical and management support $86,910
5 Government of the State of Qatar General administrative, logistical and management support $500,000
6 Government of the United Arab Emirates General administrative, logistical and management support $300,000
7 Government of the State of Kuwait General administrative, logistical and management support $150,000
8 Government of the People’s Republic of China General administrative, logistical and management support $300,000
9 Government of the Republic of Turkey General administrative, logistical and management support $60,000
10 Government of the Republic of Italy General administrative, logistical and management support $150,000
11 Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan General administrative, logistical and management support $10,000
12 Government of Federal Republic of Nigeria General administrative, logistical and management support $10,000
13 Government of the Republic of Cyprus General administrative, logistical and management support $5,700
14 Government of the Republic of Ireland General administrative, logistical and management support EUR 130,000
15 Government of the Portuguese Republic General administrative, logistical and management support EUR 10,000
16 Government of the Principality of Monaco Campaign against plastic pollution EUR 20,000
17 Government of the Sultanate of Oman General administrative, logistical and management support $50,000
18 Government of Japan Sustaining Peace, SDGs, and general administrative, logistical and management support $49,554
19 Government of the Republic of Korea Promoting the rights of persons with disabilities $30,019.42
20 Government of the Russian Federation General administrative, logistical and management support $20,000
74th Session
1. Government of the Republic of Ireland General administrative, logistical and management support $143,403
2. Government of the Republic of India General administrative, logistical and management support $100,000
3. Government of the People’s Republic of China General administrative, logistical and management support $300,000
4. Government of Hungary General administrative, logistical and management support $65,000
5. Government of the State of Qatar General administrative, logistical and management support $350,000
6. Government of the United Arab Emirates General administrative, logistical and management support $300,000
7. Government of the State of Libya General administrative, logistical and management support $10,000
8. Government of the Kingdom of Morocco General administrative, logistical and management support $50,000
9. Government of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria General administrative, logistical and management support $25,000
10. Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria General administrative, logistical and management support $3,000,000
11. Government of the Republic of Cyprus General administrative, logistical and management support $5,550
12. Government of the Republic of Turkey General administrative, logistical and management support $70,000
13. Government of the Portuguese Republic Sustaining peace, SDGs, general administrative, logistical and management support of OPGA $11,169
14. Government of the State of Kuwait Sustaining peace, SDGs, general administrative, logistical and management support of OPGA $150,000
15. Government of Japan Sustaining peace, SDGs, general administrative, logistical and management support of OPGA $32,800
75th Session
1. Government of the Republic of the Philippines General administrative, logistical and management support $10,000
2. Government of Japan Activities related to the General Assembly agenda, especially the Sustaining Peace and SDGs, as well as general administrative, logistical and management support $26,025
3. Government of Ukraine General administrative, logistical and management support $10,000
4. Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia General administrative, logistical and management support $50,000
5. Government of the Portuguese Republic General administrative, logistical and management support $6,131
6. Government of the Togolese Republic General administrative, logistical and management support $2,500
7. Government of the State of Kuwait General administrative, logistical and management support $150,000
8. Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan General administrative, logistical and management support $100,000
9. Government of the Republic of Austria United Nations Summit on Biodiversity $11,862
10. Government of the People’s Republic of China General administrative, logistical and management support $200,000
11. Government of the People’s Republic of China In support of poverty eradication programmes $100,000
12. Government of the Republic of Turkey General administrative, logistical and management support $600,000
13. Government of the Republic of Ireland General administrative, logistical and management support $156,627
14. Government of Hungary General administrative, logistical and management support $20,000
15. Government of the State of Qatar General administrative, logistical and management support $500,000