The 38th Annual International Prayer Breakfast

Tuesday, 5 September 2023, 8 a.m, Delegates Dining Room, UNHQ 

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Secretary-General António Guterres, 

Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, 

Dear Friends,  

Good morning to you all. 

Let me begin by extending my heartfelt thanks to Ambassador Menissa Rambally of Saint Lucia, as well as the members of the 2023 Host Committee, for organizing the 38th annual International Prayer Breakfast. 


Let me also express my gratitude to the Christian Embassy and Foreign Service Fellowship International for bringing us together in the spirit of unity and cross-cultural cooperation. 

It is an honour to join you for this annual tradition.  



This year, we gather again in extraordinary times.   

Intertwining challenges – from climate and conflict to poverty and fragility – continue to bear down across the globe, making peace more elusive and development more difficult. 

War continues to rage, deepening geopolitical tensions and sowing fresh seeds of mistrust. 

The widening gulf between want and plenty is raising new questions for how we, as a global community, will fulfil our 2030 Agenda and its transformational pledge to leave no one behind. 


The challenges to overcome are indeed enormous. 

Yet, I remain hopeful and confident in the unique strength of the General Assembly and the resilience brought about by the United Nations. 

Over nearly eight decades, our Organisation has catalysed decolonisation, promoted human rights for all, shaped the norms of international legal order, fostered development and worked tirelessly to eradicate disease. 

While we celebrate these successes, we have the humility and grace to acknowledge that we certainly have not done this alone, nor have we achieved all our goals. 

We must continue to push forth, as one people, one United Nations, one planet. 



On our journey, faith communities have been consistent and crucial partners.  

On the frontlines, they have inspired public action on the major issues of our day – from health and education to disarmament and disaster risk reduction. 


By encouraging compassion and respect, they have helped to diffuse virulent hatred, racism, xenophobia and discrimination. 

And they have helped make the work of the United Nations relevant for our planet’s eight billion, very diverse, constituents. 



As I begin today, as President of the UN General Assembly, I pledge to listen intently, act with transparency and work relentless towards our shared goals of peace, prosperity, progress and sustainability. 

With your help, I hope to bring forward a renewed spirit of cooperation and shared commitment to tackle the challenges and seize the opportunities. 

In turn, I ask for your partnership.  

I ask for your courage in moving our collective ambition off the page and into the world. 




Years ago, Nobel Laureate Derek Walcott, a poet of the Caribbean, spoke of “the astonishment of the soul.” 

As we open the General Assembly 78th session today, let us be alive to what this means. 

Let us allow our souls to be astonished 

  • by the vision of global cooperation our UN founders dared to set forth, 
  • by the strife that still casts a shadow on the progress we have made, and 
  • by the fierce resolve of the General Assembly to build a world that is more safe, just and sustainable for all. 

I thank you. 

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