Remarks by the President of the General Assembly
Mr. Philemon Yang
at the briefing by Ambassador André Aranha Corrêa do Lago, President-designate of
2025 United Nations Climate Change Conference
[As Delivered]
10:00 hrs, 5 March 2025, GA Hall
Distinguished delegates,
Ladies and gentlemen,
It is a privilege to convene this briefing ahead of the 2025 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Brazil.
Let me express my appreciation to Ambassador André Aranha Corrêa do Lago, President-designate of the 2025 United Nations Climate Change Conference for this timely briefing on preparations and priorities as we look to the Conference.
Brazil’s effort to engage Member States at this early stage reflects the spirit of multilateralism- one that strengthens our collective efforts in addressing this urgent challenge.
This year marks an important juncture in our global response to climate change. As the 30th United Nations Climate Conference returns to Brazil, where the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change was first signed in 1992, we must seize this moment to reflect and renew our commitment to action.
The outcome of the 2024 UN Climate Conference in Baku, Azerbaijan made it clear—the world needs to take more action and commitments on adaptation, mitigation, and finance.
Emissions continue to rise, temperatures continue to increase, and the effects of climate change are becoming more severe.
This Conference is an opportunity to build on the outcomes of the previous Conferences and reinvigorate climate action.
The upcoming third generation of Nationally Determined Contributions will be paramount to this effort and have the potential to re-energize climate action.
This is an opportunity for nations to lead with ambition while ensuring contributions remain achievable.
Contributions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Contributions that empower the most vulnerable with the tools needed to adapt and thrive.
Contributions that put in place the resources and finances needed to effectively address this global challenge.
And most importantly, we need Nationally Determined Contributions that keep us on track to achieve the temperature goals set out in the Paris Agreement.
Mesdames et messieurs,
Chers amis,
Chaque pays a un rôle à jouer, mais certains sont plus vulnérables et ont besoin de soutien. Les engagements doivent refléter le principe des responsabilités communes mais différenciées ainsi que les réalités nationales.
C’est là l’essence de l’Accord de Paris et l’esprit du multilatéralisme.
Dans le même temps, l’ambition doit se traduire par des actions concrètes. Nous avons dépassé le stade des beaux discours et des déclarations éloquentes. Le monde a besoin de résultats tangibles.
Le Nouvel Objectif Collectif Quantifié de 300 milliards de dollars par an est un pas dans cette direction. À l’avenir, il devra être entièrement respecté pour que ces ressources puissent parvenir, en temps voulu, à ceux qui en ont le plus besoin.
Il est également essentiel que ces fonds restent additionnels et ne détournent pas les ressources dédiées aux efforts plus larges de développement durable.
L’action climatique et le développement doivent avancer de pair, et nous devons nous assurer que les ressources sont mobilisées de manière efficace et équitable pour répondre à ces deux priorités.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Dear friends,
The road to the 2025 United Nations Climate Conference must be inclusive, ambitious, and action-driven.
Strong commitments on mitigation and adaptation, sufficient and accessible financing, and international cooperation are essential.
This is a chance to build momentum toward real progress.
Let me once again thank Ambassador Corrêa do Lago for this valuable engagement.
I look forward to COP30 delivering concrete and meaningful outcomes for all.
I thank you.
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