
About Norul Mohamed Rashid

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So far Norul Mohamed Rashid has created 28 blog entries.

UNDP Annual Rule of Law Meeting: Strengthening the Rule of Law for Sustaining Peace and Fostering Development (12-15 June 2017, UNHQ New York)

UNDP Annual Rule of Law Meeting: Strengthening the Rule of Law for Sustaining Peace and Fostering Development (12-15 June 2017, UNHQ New York)

Preventing conflict and Sustaining Peace are being hailed as among the highest of global priorities for the UN System. The adoption of concurrent Security Council and General Assembly […]

2019-02-19T16:32:32-05:00Wednesday, 7 June 2017|In Focus|

Women’s Access to Justice: A Transformative Approach

On 4 October 2016, the Permanent Missions of Finland, Liberia and Nepal to the United Nations, UN Women and the Rule of Law Unit on behalf of the UN Rule of Law Coordination and Resource Group hosted an event entitled, “Women’s Access to Justice: A Transformational Approach.” The event was attended by approximately 80 representatives […]

2019-02-19T16:32:32-05:00Monday, 17 October 2016|In Focus|

Sharing national practices: Ombudsman institutions – guardians of the rule of law

The Permanent Missions of Finland and Tajikistan to the United Nations, and the Rule of Law Unit on behalf of the UN Rule of Law Coordination and Resource Group, hosted a discussion on “Sharing national practices: Ombudsman institutions – guardians of the rule of law”, that took place in New York on 13 May, 2016.

The […]

2019-02-19T16:32:32-05:00Tuesday, 21 June 2016|In Focus|

E-justice: enhancing transparency, effectiveness and access to justice

The Permanent Missions of Italy, Mexico and Turkey to the United Nations, and the Rule of Law Unit on behalf of the UN Rule of Law Coordination and Resource Group (ROLCRG), organised a panel discussion on “E-justice: sharing national experiences in enhancing transparency, effectiveness and access to justice” in New York on 1 June 2016.

The […]

2019-02-19T16:32:32-05:00Monday, 13 June 2016|In Focus|

Group of Friends of Corrections Develops Action Plan to Promote Corrections in Peace Operations

The Group of Friends of Corrections in Peace Operations, a Member States-driven initiative providing support and expert advice on correctional issues to the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, met in New York on 11 and 12 January to define the Group’s priorities for 2016 and 2017.

High on the agenda of the Group, which is currently chaired […]

2019-02-19T16:32:33-05:00Thursday, 21 January 2016|In Focus|

Countering Violent Extremism in Prisons – A New Challenge for United Nations Peace Operations

Violent extremism affects all areas of the work of the United Nations, including peace and security, human rights and development. In this context, “prisons across the world have been identified as potential incubators for radicalization and recruitment by violent groups, including extremists. And conditions in post-conflict settings are particularly conducive to these dynamics”, explained Hervé […]

2019-02-19T16:32:33-05:00Thursday, 21 January 2016|In Focus|

Briefing on the work of the UN on drugs

UN Briefing on world drug problem – 20 Nov 2015

In the lead-up to the special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem (UNGASS) to be held in New York in April 2016, the Deputy Secretary-General convened an informal briefing for Member States, to highlight the work of United Nations entities in this […]

2019-02-19T16:32:33-05:00Monday, 18 January 2016|In Focus|

High-Level Panel on the importance of nationality in today’s world

On 3 November 2015, UNHCR convened a High-Level Panel on the importance of nationality in today’s world, coinciding with the launch of a new report titled ‘I am Here, I Belong: The Urgent Need to End Childhood Statelessness’ (the ‘Report’). The Panellists included High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres, UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Barbara Hendricks, the […]

2019-02-19T16:32:33-05:00Thursday, 12 November 2015|In Focus|
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