New York, 08 December 2023: The Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict (SRSG-SVC), Ms. Pramila Patten, is gravely concerned about emerging reports of sexual violence, against both women and men, while they were held in Hamas captivity. Special Representative Patten expresses concern for those civilians still held hostage by Hamas, and calls for their immediate, safe, and unconditional release.

Special Representative Patten has responded positively to an invitation from the Government of Israel to conduct an official visit, which she welcomed as an opportunity to meet with survivors of conflict-related sexual violence, including recently released hostages, in order to amplify their voices, and hear testimonies first-hand. She unequivocally condemned the attacks by Hamas on 7 October and expressed her serious concern over horrific reports of sexual violence and atrocities allegedly committed by them and expressed sympathy for the severe collective trauma wrought by this brutality.

As a basis for UN engagement, SRSG Patten calls for robust and independent investigations into all allegations of sexual violence in connection with the current conflict. In this respect, she urges the State of Israel to grant access to United Nations entities with an investigative mandate, which have promptly signaled their availability and willingness to examine the scope and extent of these crimes, including allegations of sexual violence against Palestinians.

Since the attacks of 7 October, SRSG Patten has activated the UN Action interagency coordination network, which she chairs, to proactively share UN-verified information on incidents, patterns, and trends of conflict-related sexual violence, noting that none has been received to date, largely due to prevailing insecurity and lack of access. In this connection, SRSG Patten notes that UN colleagues are working under arduous conditions, with 130 UN staff having been killed in the line of duty since 7 October, many with their families.

SRSG Patten echoes the call of the Secretary-General for a humanitarian ceasefire to be urgently declared, to alleviate the suffering of civilians in Gaza, and enable humanitarian assistance to reach them in order to avert a humanitarian catastrophe.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Office of the Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict


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