New York

08 December 2023

Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General - on recent developments in Guatemala’s democratic transition [scroll down for Spanish]

Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary-General

The Secretary-General is alarmed by developments in Guatemala, where the Public Prosecutor’s Office has taken steps to annul the general elections, which had been certified by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal on 29 August. The Secretary-General reiterates his call for the respect of the will of the Guatemalan voters and for a smooth transition of power in January. The Secretary-General trusts that the results of the election as certified by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal will be respected.


El Secretario General manifiesta su alarma por los acontecimientos en Guatemala, donde el Ministerio Público ha tomado medidas para anular las elecciones generales, que habían sido certificadas por el Tribunal Supremo Electoral el 29 de agosto. El Secretario General reitera su llamado al respeto de la voluntad de los votantes guatemaltecos y a una transferencia del poder sin contratiempos en enero. El Secretario General confía en que se respetarán los resultados de las elecciones certificados por el Tribunal Supremo Electoral.