New York

15 October 2021

Deputy Secretary-General's video message on World Food Day 2021

Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General

Colleagues and friends,

I am pleased to join you for this World Food Day celebration, which comes on the heels of the Food Systems Summit.

This is a sombre time in our world, particularly for the hundreds of millions of people that are hungry and malnourished.

Today’s food systems have deeply rooted inequalities, leaving the vulnerable behind -- smallholder farmers, rural communities, women, youth and children, migrants and indigenous peoples.

The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have accelerated disturbing trends that had been with us even before the onset of this health crisis.  

The theme for this year’s World Food Day is “Our actions are our future. Better Production, Better Nutrition, a Better Environment and a Better Life”.

It highlights the hope we were able to collectively cultivate through the UN Food Systems Summit journey.

Indeed, the international community has come together in an unprecedented way, pledging, committing and calling for concrete and actionable solutions to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals for a more sustainable, resilient and inclusive food future for all.

The Food Systems Summit generated new momentum to build this better future.

Governments and people around the world have rallied around inspiring efforts to address our climate crisis and biodiversity loss, to invest in improving our health and to build better livelihoods through food.

They have re-committed to ending hunger, as a right that needs to be accessible for all people.

World Food Day reminds us of who we need to work for, delivering on our words and keeping the promise to achieve the SDGs by 2030.

This World Food Day, let’s not underestimate our power – individually and collectively.

The changes we make today determine our food future tomorrow.

Let’s embrace the moment and continue to change our course.

Let’s continue this journey together.

Thank you.