Media Advisory

Upcoming UN Conference places Ocean Action at front and centre of global efforts to achieve a sustainable future

Media Accreditation Online Pre-registration: 3 May 2022 to 12 June2022

Thousands of ocean advocates, including world leaders, scientists, businesses and activists, will gather at the UN Ocean Conference on 27 June to 1 July in Lisbon, Portugal to seek science-based and innovative solutions to improve the health of our ocean.

Co-hosted by Portugal and Kenya, the Conference will be a major milestone for meaningful, ambitious ocean action. The ocean, critical to combatting climate change, boosting the global economy and reducing biodiversity loss, is now in a serious state of decline.

The Conference’s call for science-based and innovative solutions – inline with the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development–stresses the critical need for scientific knowledge and marine technology to undertake the effective conservation and sustainable use of the ocean’sresources.

Consultations on the political declaration are ongoing, after which countries will adopt concrete measures at the Conference to ensure the protection and conservation of the ocean and its resources. More voluntary commitments – following the over 1,300 commitments made at the 2017 Ocean Conference – are also expected to be made to address ocean-related issues that affect communities and countries.

The Conference in Lisbon will feature eight thematic dialogues, including on marine pollution, ocean acidification, deoxygenation and warming, sustainable fisheries and other ocean-based economies scientific knowledge and marine technology. These dialogues will review opportunities and challenges in order to spur commitments and ocean action.

There will also be side events as well as four Special Events. The Special Events are as follows:

  • Youth and Innovation Forum (24-26 June)
  • Localising Action for the Ocean: Local and Regional Governments Forum (25 June)
  • High-Level Symposium on Water (27 June)
  • Sustainable Blue Economy Investment Forum (28 June)


Website for the Conference:


Media corner:

MEDIA CONTACTS (interviews are available upon request)

UN Department of Global Communications | Francyne Harrigan |

UN Department of Global Communications | Sharon Birch |

Please note the following deadline for media accreditation:

Pre-registration online: 3 May 2022 to 12 June 2022
On-site registration in Lisbon: 22 June 2022 (TBC) to 1 July 2022

For more information, please visit the UN Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit’s website or contact them at or +1 212 963 6934.


Please follow us on the Ocean Conference and ocean issues, using the hashtags, #SaveOurOcean and #OceanAction. 

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