United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)
Palestine/PLO/Palestinian Authority, State, United Nations system
Arabic text, Press Release
Press Release
UN Habitat
State, United Nations system
Arabic text, Article, French text
General Assembly, Secretary-General, United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI), United Nations News Service
Press Release, Statement, UN news item
Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar
General Assembly, United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI), United Nations News Service
UN news item
Bahrain, Oman, Syria
General Assembly, Human Rights Council
Summary record
Bahrain, Syria
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Non-governmental organization, State
Press Release, Report
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Arabic text, Chinese text, French text, Report, Russian text, Spanish text
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Yemen
General Assembly, Group of Arab States, Human Rights Council, Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)
Intergovernmental organization or multilateral, State, United Nations system
Bahrain, Pakistan
Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Libya
Group of Arab States, League of Arab States (LAS), Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)(See also - Committee on Palestine), Security Council
Bahrain, Malaysia
General Assembly, Gulf Cooperation Council, Security Council
Letter, Statement
Press Release, Statement
Bahrain, United Kingdom
Communiqué, Letter
General Assembly
Declaration, Letter, Recommendation, Report
League of Arab States (LAS), Security Council
European Union (EU), General Assembly, Gulf Cooperation Council, Security Council
Showing 30 documents of 106 found.