Mideast situation/Request for mandate extension of UNIIIC – Letter from Lebanon

Letter dated 5 May 2006 from the Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of Lebanon to the United Nations addressed

to the Secretary-General



  I have the honour to forward herewith a letter from Fuad Siniora, Prime Minister of Lebanon, addressed to you, concerning the request of the Government of Lebanon to extend the mandate of the International Independent Investigation Commission into the assassination of the late Prime Minister, Rafic Hariri, until mid-June 2007, as indicated in Security Council resolutions 1595 (2005) and 1636 (2005) (see annex).

  I should be grateful if you would arrange for the text of this letter and its attachment to be circulated as a document of the Security Council.



(Signed) Caroline Ziade 

Chargé d’affaires a.i.

    Annex to the letter dated 5 May 2006 from the Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of Lebanon to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General



  I would like to refer to Security Council resolution 1644 (2005), in particular the sixth preambular paragraph and paragraph 2, whereby the Council decided to extend the mandate of the International Independent Investigation Commission into the 14 February 2005 terrorist bombing in Beirut, as set forth in resolutions 1595 (2005) and 1636 (2005), initially until 15 June 2006, with the possibility of an additional extension as necessary.

  Further to our last meeting in New York on 21 April 2006, I would hereby like to convey to you the request of the Lebanese Government, upon its decision on 2 May, to extend the mandate of the said Commission for a further period of up to one year from 15 June 2006. We also look forward to the earliest conclusion of the agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Lebanon for the establishment of a court of an international character as provided for in resolution 1664 (2006), to bring the perpetrators of the said crime to justice.

  I would like in this context to commend the work of Commissioner Serge Brammertz, and the high professionalism he has displayed in the exercise of his duties. The Lebanese Government hopes Mr. Brammertz will continue in his functions at the head of the Commission during the extended period.

  I look forward to receiving your favourable decision.



(Signed) Fuad Siniora




Document symbol: S/2006/278
Document Type: Letter
Document Sources: Security Council, United Nations International Independent Investigation Commission (UNIIIC)
Country: Lebanon
Subject: Agenda Item, Incidents, Situation in Lebanon, Terrorism
Publication Date: 05/05/2006

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