UNIIIC report on Hariri assassination – SecGen press encounter – Transcript

Secretary-General’s press encounter outside the Security Council Chamber

25 October 2005

(unofficial transcript)

Q:   … what is your impression of the report? How serious is this moment for Syria?

SG:  I have indicated that quite clear.  I think [Detlev] Mehlis has done solid and serious work.  As you know, I have extended his mandate to the 15th of December, for him to continue his work.  And the [Security] Council is discussing the report right now.  And obviously, at the end of it, if there’s anything to be shared with you, the President will come out and do it.

Q:  Is now the right time for sanctions?

SG:  As I said, we are at a stage in the process.  We are not at the end of the process yet.  And I think what is important is that we get to the truth, and everyone cooperates with Mehlis so that we can get to the truth.  

We also have to understand that after this, there will be a judicial process, and we should be careful not to do anything that interferes with the judicial process or the rights of the accused.  

Q:  Are you concerned about the threats to Mehlis?

SG:  Well, he has been able to do his work and he is going to continue doing his work.

Q:  How best to compel Syrian cooperation in this case?

SG:  I think the Council may have some advice on that.  They are working on these issues now.

Thank you.


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