KfW Entwicklungsbank and UNRWA sign EUR 7.5 million agreement for Palestine refugees in camps – Living conditions – UNRWA press release

KfW Entwicklungsbank and UNRWA sign EUR 7.5 million agreement for Palestine refugees in camps

20 May 2011

KfW Entwicklungsbank (the German Development Bank) today signed an agreement for the first phase of financial assistance to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). The signing comes as part of the German government's contribution of EUR 7.5 million to UNRWA for the improvement of living conditions in Palestinian refugee camps.

The programme will develop infrastructure in and around various refugee camps, developing community areas with the full participation of the affected residents. The overall aim is to improve the living conditions of Palestine refugee communities, in areas long-affected by the ongoing regional conflict and poor infrastructure.

In order to ensure a fair, comprehensive and development-oriented investment, the communities benefiting from the programme will be selected through a participatory selection process, in collaboration with UNRWA’s camp improvement programme. In general, funding will be directed towards education, shelter, health, water and sanitation.

About KfW Entwicklungsbank

KfW Entwicklungsbank is a competent and strategic advisor on current development issues. Reducing poverty, securing peace, protecting natural resources and helping to shape globalization are the main priorities of KfW Entwicklungsbank.

On behalf of the German Federal Government it finances reforms, infrastructure and financial systems for socially and ecologically compatible economic growth. As part of KFW Bankengruppe it is a worldwide financing partner, and it also employs funds of its own for development projects. KfW Entwicklungsbank knows about the potentials and problems in developing countries thanks to its close cooperation with local partners and target groups.

It actively seeks to cooperate with German and International partners in order to further enhance the developmental effectiveness and efficiency of its activities.

For further information, visit the KfW Entwicklungsbank website


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