Mideast situation/Palestine question – SecGen press conference in Algiers – Transcript (excerpts)

Algiers, 22 March 2005 – Unofficial transcript of the Secretary-General's press encounter on the margins of the Arab League Summit

Q: How was your discussion with President Assad?

SG: I had a very constructive discussion with President Assad. He reconfirmed his commitment to [Security Council] resolution 1559 and that the withdrawal has begun and it continues. He is working out a timetable, in consultation with the Lebanese authorities, and will withdraw his troops completely into Syria. Not just the troops, but also the security services as well as the logistical and material equipment to Syria.

I will be sending Terje Roed-Larsen, my Special Envoy to the region in the first week of April and I will expect him to come back with a well defined and credible time table, if I don't get it before then, but Mr. Larsen will bring it. We have agreed that by the time he gets there the time table will be ready. We will press ahead with the full implementation of the resolution.

Q: Are you satisfied with the implementation of 1559 so far?

SG: About 4000 troops have moved into Syria and the others, some 10,000, are in the Bekaa valley and we need to see all of them withdrawn. President Assad has confirmed that that is his intention and he will implement 1559 in full. We are going to work with him to ensure that it is done. That is why my Envoy will be coming back in the beginning of April to follow-up. Of course, once I get the time table I will report to the Security Council which is actively seized of the matter.


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