Palestinian Civil Police completes important IT infrastructure project – EUPOL COPPS press release/Non-UN document

Palestinian Police completes important IT infrastructure project

Ramallah, 6th June 2013 – The Palestinian Civil Police (PCP) announced on Thursday it had completed a $ 12.7 million information and communications systems infrastructure development project to upgrade their operational and administrative capabilities. Canada has funded the bulk of the ambitious project in addition to European Commission, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Finland and Estonia. The overall project was supported by EUPOL COPPS and implemented by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)


On behalf of the Chief of Police, his Assistant for Planning & Development, Brig. Gen Mohammad SAHMOUD, pointed out that “a specialized ICT department was created in 2008 to develop a professional technical staff in this area and to lay the foundation for building computerized systems in a standardized manner that would accomplish the basic PCP objective of serving the society and safeguarding its security through a modern and sustainable infrastructure”. He added that “this project is enshrined in the vision framework of the Police command for advancing the PCP organization and empowering its members to carry out their tasks in serving the society and combating crime in a more professional, precise, and speedy manner, and given the challenges imposed by the times.” Brigadier SAHMOUD has extended his gratitude to the contributors and donors for their support and for remaining friends of the Palestinian people, which has had a great impact on accomplishing this project.


Mr. David GEER, Deputy EU Representative said that “Thanks to this project, police coordination will be significantly strengthened and the delivery of services to the public improved. The EU is fully committed to supporting reform of the Palestinian Civil Police in order to help it better serve the Palestinian people and thereby further gain their respect and trust”.  "The project has involved collaboration among different international partners including the EU and EU Member States. Significant support has also been provided through EUPOL COPPS which has, from the onset of this project and through its daily advice and coordinating role, once more demonstrated its commitment to the Palestinian Civil Police”, he added.


The project, which started in 2008 and was completed recently, focused largely on communications infrastructure and included radio, data and telephone systems. Using this infrastructure, the police districts are connected with the main headquarters and are using the newly developed centralized information systems that enhance the police operational and administrative capacity. The project has laid foundations for continued development of the police information systems and improvement of the police service. The infrastructure serves also the other security agencies, and contributes to interoperability between security and justice establishments and development of their own internal systems.


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