Palestinian Civil Police holds consultation workshop with civil society on accountability strategy – EUPOL COPPS press release/Non-UN document

Palestinian Civil Police holds consultation workshop with Civil Society on Accountability Strategy

Ramallah, 12th June 2013 – The Palestinian Civil Police (PCP) held a consultation workshop on Wednesday with Palestinian Civil Society Organizations to discuss the draft accountability strategy which aims to enhance general oversight within the PCP with an aim to enhance trust of the public.


The workshop which was supported by EUPOL COPPS and The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has brought together members of the PCP oversight units, around 20 representatives of civil society organizations and international bodies to conduct consultations and to obtain comments to be incorporated in the strategy and its implementation plan. 


“The police has expanded at a steady pace a concept of a modern and professional police at the service of the citizens through an enhanced system of accountability in line with the principles of rule of law and respect for human rights”, said Brig. Gen Mohammad SAHMOUD, the Assistant for Planning & Development to the Chief of Police at the opening of the workshop. “The Police is interested in developing a real partnership with the Civil Society to improve the performance of the police. To that extent, we look forward to receive the comments on the draft accountability strategy”, he added.


The key objectives of the draft strategy are to enhance the culture of accountability within the police through increased integrity and transparency, to enhance the trust of the public through a fair complaint system, to develop the cooperation with civil society organizations and to strengthen the accountability units and oversight mechanisms within the police. The accountability strategy will be implemented through a three-year plan. The one-day workshop, which ignited a lot of constructive discussion, is a follow-up to a similar brainstorming session which took place in April with representatives of Palestinian governmental institutions.

The consultation sessions are meant to promote the accountability of the PCP and to kick-start a positive and cooperative partnership between the PCP and key external partners. The workshop is a key output of the UNDP/EUPOL COPPS Joint Accountability Programme funded by the governments of Denmark, Sweden and The Netherlands.

Document symbol: EUPOL-COPPS_PCP-CSO
Document Type: Press Release
Document Sources: EUPOL COPPS, European Union (EU), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Country: Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden
Subject: Assistance, Security issues
Publication Date: 12/06/2013

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