NGO Action News – 25 April 2024


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This newsletter informs about recent and upcoming activities of Civil Society Organizations working on the question of Palestine. The Committee and the Division for Palestinian Rights of the UN Secretariat provide the information “as is” without warranty of any kind, and do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, or reliability of the information contained in the websites linked in the newsletter.


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Middle East

  • On 25 July, Physicians for Human Rights – Israel published the report “State of the Occupation – Year 57: A Joint Situation Report”. The report surveys human rights developments in the OPT over the past year with a focus on Gaza, using the diverse tools and expertise of 21 Israeli human rights organizations.
  • On 22 July, Peace Now published the report “While We Were at War: The Israeli Government’s Annexation Revolution in the West Bank Since October 7th”. The NGO explained how the Israeli government has invested immense resources, amidst the Gaza war, in expanding settlements in the West Bank and accelerating annexation processes.
  • On 20 July, Al-Haq, Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights and the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) welcomed the pivotal legal conclusions of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Advisory Opinion “Legal Consequences Arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem”. The Palestinian NGOs said the Court’s significant conclusions on settler withdrawal signify the right of Palestinians to return to their properties, requiring therefore evacuation of all settlers from existing settlements and the dismantling of the parts of the wall in the OPT, as well as allowing all Palestinians displaced during the occupation to return to their original place of residence. They stressed the urgent necessity that individual states, the international community, and the UN, respect the Advisory Opinion, act upon their legal obligations and ensure that the unlawful occupation is brought to an immediate, total and unconditional end.
  • On 20 July, Adalah – The Legal Centre for Arab Minority Rights in Israel commented that the ICJ’s landmark opinion from the world’s highest court has determined that Israel’s occupation of Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem is illegal and must come to an end. Israeli policies, including settlement expansion, annexation, and land confiscation, constitute an ongoing systematic violation of Palestinian rights. Adalah called on the UN and third states to take immediate action to bring effect to the Court’s conclusions.
  • On 19 July, Ir Amim issued a statement on its social media on the ICJ Advisory Opinion on Israeli occupation. The NGO stated that the decision of the ICJ is not just another wake-up call for the Israeli government; Israel must immediately end the grave violations of human rights, comply with international law, and work together with Palestine, regional allies and the international community towards a political solution.
  • On 19 July, B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories issued a response to the ICJ’s Advisory Opinion, saying that the international community has evaded its duty to protect the Palestinians using various excuses, including “the supposed temporary nature of the occupation and the claim that a diplomatic solution designed to resolve the conflict is being negotiated”. B’Tselem added that the release of the Advisory Opinion puts an end to these justifications, and now the international community must use every tool – criminal law, diplomatic and economic – to force the end of the occupation.
  • On 17 July, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) issued a statement on the 26th anniversary of the adoption of the 1998 Rome Statute, which is commemorated every year as the International Justice Day. PCHR said it marks this day “amid Israel’s total disregard for three provisional measures ordered by the ICJ […].”


Africa, Asia and Europe

  • On 25 July, the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), based in South Africa, published the Op-ed “ICJ Rules that Ending Palestine’s Occupation Is a Global Undertaking”. It stated that as the largest bloc of countries recognizing Palestine, Africa could lead the effort at the UN General Assembly. ICJ, in the Advisory Opinion, agreed with arguments made by Palestine, South Africa, Namibia and the African Union, that Israel’s policies and practices in the OPT amounted to colonization.
  • On 20 July, the Australian Centre for International Justice (ACIJ) issued the press release “Australia Must Act Against Israel’s Unlawful Occupation and Protect Palestinian Rights from Further Deprivation, According to Landmark ICJ Ruling”. ACIJ welcomes the ruling, which categorized Israel’s 57-year occupation of the OPT as unlawful. It called on the Australian government to implement some measures, including imposing targeted sanctions against Israeli individuals and entities, a comprehensive arms embargo on Israel, suspension of defense cooperation, and enacting a legislation banning settlement goods and services from entering the country’s marketplace, among others.
  • On 20 July, Law for Palestine issued a summary of the Advisory Opinion of the ICJ on the illegality of the Israeli occupation of the OPT. It explained that the decision aimed to address the questions posed by the UN General Assembly in a resolution adopted in December 2022, including the legal consequences arising from the ongoing Israeli violation of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, from settlement and annexation of the OPT since 1967. Law for Palestine also held the webinar “Expert Reflections on the ICJ Advisory Opinion”, featuring former UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk, Lecturer Giulia Pinzauti and Palestinian civil society representatives Saleh Hijazi and Munir Nusseibeh.
  • On 19 July, Amnesty International issued the press release “ICJ Opinion Declaring Israel’s Occupation of Palestinian Territories Unlawful Is Historic Vindication of Palestinians’ Rights”. It called on Israel to withdraw its forces from all parts of the OPT, including the Gaza Strip, and remove all settlers from the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and to relinquish control over all aspects of Palestinians’ lives, as well as ceding control of borders, natural resources, air space and territorial waters of the OPT.


North America

  • On 19 July, Foundation for Middle East Peace (FMEP) issued the Settlement and Annexation Report, highlighting the historic ICJ Advisory Opinion. It quoted the Court as calling on all States not to recognize as legal the situation arising from the unlawful presence of the State of Israel in the OPT and not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by its continued presence in the OPT.
  • On 19 July, J Street issued a statement on the ICJ Advisory opinion, urging the US administration and lawmakers “to view the Court’s disheartening but foreseeable judgement as further evidence of the urgent need for bold, regional diplomacy to end the suffering, violence and injustice that the conflict and deepening occupation have visited upon far too many Israelis and Palestinians for far too long.”
  • On 19 July, Human Rights Watch issued the media release “World Court Finds Israel Responsible for Apartheid”. HRW said the Court has placed responsibility with all states and the United Nations to end these violations of international law. The ruling should be another wake up call for the United States to end its egregious policy of defending Israel’s oppression of Palestinians and prompt a thorough reassessment in other countries as well.
  • On 18 July, Americans for Peace Now (APN) expressed profound disappointment and strong opposition to the Israel Knesset’s recent resolution rejecting the two-State solution and the formation of a Palestinian State. APN said that the resolution undermines “the longstanding position of Israeli governments across the political spectrum and contradicts the enduring stance of the US.”


United Nations

  • On 24 July, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders issued a statement to denounce the ongoing targeting of human rights defenders in the OPT through prolonged administrative detention without charge, humiliation and ill treatment. She urged the Israeli authorities to release human rights defenders and to ensure that detainees are treated in line with international conventions the country has signed, and in accordance with international declarations that prohibit any form of ill treatment.
  • On 23 July, the Bureau of the Committee for the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People issued a statement to welcome the landmark Advisory Opinion of the ICJ. The Bureau said the ICJ Advisory Opinion comes at a time when the war in Gaza is inflicting on Palestinians unimaginable human loss and hardship, while heightened settler violence, systematic displacement and dispossession continue in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, underscoring the urgent need for international action to halt and reverse the occupation in all its manifestations. It called for urgent and concerted international action to follow the Court’s decision, including via the UN General Assembly and Security Council.
  • On 17 July, the UN Chef de Cabinet, on behalf of the UN Secretary-General, delivered a statement at the ministerial-level quarterly Security Council Open Debate, presided over by the Russian Federation and chaired by Foreign Minister Lavrov. The Committee for the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People presented their statement when the Security Council resumed the debate on 19 July. The Committee called on all Member States to adhere to all provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), including those addressing the risk of genocide in Gaza initiated by South Africa and other Member States who deserve our praise. Disregarding ICJ orders undermines the international legal system and jeopardizes peace and security, which this Council must preserve.


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