UNRWA Strongly Condemns Neutrality Breach Against the Agency in Gaza – Statement


EAST JERUSALEM, 29 November 2022 – The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) recently identified a man-made cavity underneath the grounds of an UNRWA school in Gaza.

In accordance with UNRWA protocols, the Agency immediately cordoned off the area and swiftly took the necessary measures to render the school safe, including permanently sealing the cavity.

The Agency protested strongly to the relevant authorities in Gaza to express outrage and condemnation of the presence of such a structure underneath one of its installations.

The presence of a man-made cavity underneath the grounds of an UNRWA school is a serious violation of the Agency’s neutrality and a breach of international law. Moreover, it exposes children and Agency staff to significant security and safety risks.

UNRWA reiterates its demand that all parties respect the neutrality and inviolability of United Nations premises at all times. Such flagrant breaches of neutrality are serious violations of the Agency’s privileges and immunities, and they jeopardize the ability of UNRWA to provide support and protection to the 1.4 million Palestine refugees in need in Gaza.

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